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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. You don't have any aim selection for CoD for some reason, try to "Clear input" and re-select the game.
  2. Absolutely
  3. 0.82 (or more precisely 0.818933) is MDH 0%, so using MDH 75% and this sensitivity is a bit weird.
  4. ADS and in-game sensitivity added.
  5. You can do this in the calculator like this:
  6. This is explained in the instructions, specifically the last part of this post. In short, when you select an "All" aim everything will be calculated based on the conversion setup. If this doesn't match your setup you must either tweak the setup, or if it isn't possible to get them to match you must convert manually from hipfire to hipfire and ADS to ADS etc.
  7. Describe your problem and post a screenshot of your conversion please
  8. Viewspeed is not something any developer will use as a reference, it's just a calculation concept available here. And Viewspeed Vertical just happens to be very close to MDV 133%, which is used by some older games since they clamp the scaling to 4:3 aspect ratio.
  9. Correct, will fix this soon. When converting from 2D use the same method for all aims.
  10. Make sure the file looks like this, with the header:
  11. DPI Wizard


    Game added Visage
  12. DPI Wizard


    The config file will be empty so you need to add the sensitivity lines to I, including the header [/Script/Engine.InputSettings].
  13. The config file will be empty so you need to add the sensitivity lines to I, including the header [/Script/Engine.InputSettings].
  14. Do you get a different result with raw input on and off? This sensitivity is analyzed for the EU version BTW.
  15. There is no percentage for each game no, the percentage is a matching method you feel works best for you. So when you find a good percentage you should always use that. When trying the different percentages just use the "All" option for PUBG as the input, then change the ADS and scope to different values and try the calculated sensitivity.
  16. That's not important, this was just for the demonstration in the video and it's not a concept to match by. 25% is not a special value, it was just an example. When finding out what matching method you should use, first try 0%. If it feels too slow try the "opposite" which is 100%. If it's too fast go back to 75% and so on.
  17. The video doesn't suggest 25%, it just show you what a 25% match looks like to demonstrate what it actually is. The only reason 25% is used here is because this range is visible in all the scopes and is not blocked by the scope or outside of it.
  18. Yes, that's correct for maintaining MDH 100%.
  19. You must make sure hipfire is matched to hipfire first, then use this sensitivity when calculating the zoom. The "All" option does this for you, but if you convert directly from zoom then hipfire will be matched to this and not the hipfire sensitivity. For best result use the "All" option for both games, and adjust the conversion setup so the zoom sensitivity in CSGO matches your settings, then everything else will line up.
  20. It's already added as CrossFire.
  21. DPI Wizard


    Games added Vanquish Q.U.B.E. 2 (QUBE 2) Games updated Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare - Added ADS and scope sensitivity Half-Life 2 - Added zoom sensitivity for crossbow Counter-Strike: Source - Added zoom sensitivity for AWP Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Added all ADS calculations to a single entry and added support for in-game sensitivity calculation with config file sensitivity.
  22. This game used to have way to much acceleration and smoothing, but it was a lot better now. Note that the sensitivity slider is not accurate and the zoom sensitivity has a low range.
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