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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. That will give you the same 360 distance for all of them, but that's not what you want for a scope. They will be way too sensitive and make aiming very hard.
  2. No, that's currently impossible without changing the sensitivity because ACOG and ADS use different scaling.
  3. Do you have the latest version of the editor? 1.5 from October.
  4. I'm using Hex Editor Neo, they have a free version with limited functionality but enough to edit config files.
  5. I'm assuming this is the samme issue as everyone else is having, that armor weighs you down and changes the sensitivity. The calculations are only correct with no armor.
  6. If the scopes are too slow, increase the MDH percentage. 0% is the slowest method, and matches the tracking speed between scopes. 100% is what PUBG has by default, while Apex has 0% (which is why all the aims are 1 in Apex in your calculation).
  7. 1X sights usually zoom a little bit. The Normal option might have been removed since the game was added, I'll check what happened to it
  8. Always check the notes in the game info section of the calculator
  9. Correct. A lot of games does this annoying thing. Take this for instance, pure evil for your OCD!
  10. The inches are different because the ADS have very different FOV and you're using MDH 0% which is a FOV based matching method. You can use 360 distance instead, but your Rust ADS will feel a lot faster due to the lower FOV.
  11. Ideally you should match everything to CSGO hipfire, which is what the "All" conversion will do. If you change what you convert the scopes from you will get differences unless you use the same conversion method for normal, ads and scope. Then it won't matter as they will all give the same result.
  12. Added a few now, let me know if you're missing some.
  13. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates The FOV input field will now be disabled if the game does not support FOV change. This is to avoid any confusion. Fixed a bug when using 2D conversion in simple mode. Game added Trepang2 Game updated Cuisine Royale - Added ADS sensitivity and in-game calculations. GTFO - Added ADS calculations.
  14. DPI Wizard


    Set the Y sensitivity to the same value for a 1:1 match.
  15. Set the Y sensitivity to the same value for a 1:1 match.
  16. Not sure what's causing this. I know the calculated sensitivity is correct since it's based on pi, 0 is exactly pi*10000 and 100 is pi*500. There's a tiny inaccuracy in the sensitivity slider, but should account for less than 2%. Must be something else affecting your sensitivity, did you try with raw input both on and off to observe the difference?
  17. No problem, if you reload the page now it will look better, was a bug not including the background for fields on phones For the calculation, it is 1.62 because your hipfire FOV is not correct for MDH 0% to Windows. With WPS 12 as you have it the hipfire should be 6.79, which would lead the ADS to be 1.0 as you expect.
  18. Just checked the game now, and calculations are up to date. Yes, you need to enter the global sens, using 1 works just fine. As for the ADS it's pretty obvious when you play, it just moves the ironsight up to aim without changing FOV at all.
  19. Screenshot please
  20. I'm not sure how MacOS scale the sensitivity to their quite high resolutions, but I can check in a couple of ways. It might just be 1:1 (1 DPI = 1 pixel) if so you can just use the resolution as a direct multiplier for the sensitivity. And as @fortunate reee says acceleration must be off.
  21. Yes, since so many mistake the viewmodel FOV for the actual FOV and enter 68, the FOV is locked to 90. But there's a separate aim called "Hipfire (sv_cheats for FOV change)" which allows you to change FOV. Do note that FOV change makes hipfire affected by zoom sensitivity, and this is not yet included in the calculation so it must be set to 1.
  22. That's a personal choice to be honest. 0% is more universally regarded as the way to go, but if that's too slow and 100% is too fast, viewspeed should work.
  23. This is wrong, leave the FOV type to the default of Hdeg Res and enter 90. It's very important the the Config FOV in the output matches your configuration. And PUBG have a weird FOV scaling for different aspect ratios. Other than that it looks good Happy holidays!
  24. You need to enter an existing sensitivity value for the multiplier to be calculated. Any value within the valid range works, but it must be the same as you have in your config file. This and most other questions are answered in the Instructions.
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