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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I accidentally deleted your post, but I got the images. Checking now
  2. Can you post a screenshot of your conversions and I'll check if anything has changed?
  3. It's a not yet fully implemented method that uses the relation between the FOV as a percentage. So 100 FOV hipfire to 50 FOV scope would automatically use 50% and so on.
  4. DPI Wizard


    Games added Resident Evil 5 Resident Evil 6 Game updated Escape from Tarkov - Added support for change in turning speed and added more scopes.
  5. Both these are added now!
  6. Added with in-game and config file sensitivity.
  7. Added with in-game and config file sensitivity.
  8. 1800x1080 or 1280x768 for instance.
  9. If you need it for the calculator just entering the aspect ratio as the resolution is enough, i.e. 5x3.
  10. The game will not register mouse movements until the mouse has moved a certain distance, this causes a delayed sudden movement.
  11. The game will not register mouse movements until the mouse has moved a certain distance, this causes a delayed sudden movement.
  12. The mouse emulates analog stick movement in this game so it cannot be added.
  13. The mouse emulates analog stick movement in this game so it cannot be added. REFix does not solve the issue.
  14. No, I haven't tested any scopes in this game. I'm not sure how much playing is required to unlock them?
  15. If you type "auto" in the monitor distance percentage field it will do this based on the relation between the FOV. So 100 FOV hipfire to 50 FOV scope would be 50% and so on.
  16. The calculations is correct, but you have entered an insanely low sensitivity for CSGO. It's probably wrong, so check what you actually have in CSGO.
  17. Sorry about that, was an invalid character in the name!
  18. Ok, so the Iron sight calculation in the calculator is only valid for guns with no aim attachments, I'll clarify that!
  19. I assume that's the case yes, the scaling change by 1.6 when you attach the 1X even though the FOV is the same.
  20. MDV because that's essentially what USA is in BFV. You're getting 143% on the scopes because your zoom aim is 70, so the calculator is compensating for that to get MDV 133% for all aims. You specific setup is not achievable in a single calculation because the aims don't correlate. What that means is that when you convert to another game you have to select the specific scope you want to convert from and enter the values.
  21. You're changing the DPI for both games, that doesn't change anything. You should only increase it for the game that says the calculation is too high, i.e. GTA 5
  22. 1X is added. This is Rainbow Six all over again, FOV and sensitivity scaling doesn't correlate at all between aims...
  23. The conversion setup must match the game settings. So if you have coeff at 133, set ADS and Scope conversions to MDV 133%. Then the calculated numbers (and any conversion) will match your settings:
  24. Was a copy and paste error there, thanks for spotting it! Updated and added all the weapons for SOTTR.
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