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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. This is not wrong, CSGO sens is 360/(SENS*0.022), so 360/(1.649351*0.022)=9921.26 counts. 9921.26/900DPI=11.0236 inches, which is 28 cm. If you're not getting exactly 28 cm it's probably because the sensor in the mouse is not exactly 900 DPI. Sensors being off by a few percent is not uncommon
  2. You're correct about turning speed not affecting ADS, the calculator already does this Thanks for all the scopes, is there any way of testing them without buying? There's no relation between stated zoom, actually zoom and 360 distance, so each scope needs to be analyzed.
  3. It doesn't work like that unfortunately. Using the Universal sensitivity slider just sets all the scopes to the same value. And since the game uses MDH 100% by default, setting them all to the same value will keep them all scaled to MDH 100% compared to each other. It is not possible to get MDH 0% for all using it. To do that you have to set each scope individually.
  4. Try to check this override box in the driver if it's off:
  5. Did you use the DPI Analyzer on this site? What was the result?
  6. There's some acceleration in this game so it can't be added in the current state. But I'll keep it in the list and check back when it's released.
  7. Correct. It will default to 100%, and left unchanged it's the same as before.
  8. The calculator is now updated to support this!
  9. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Scale is now supported for conversions, read more here. A lot of updates to the user interface: The whole calculator is now wider and should look correct on more devices and locales. Notes and FOV Notes in the game info section will have icons leading different types of informations so it's easier to see. = Some configuration you have to do to make the sensitivity work correctly. = Information about limitations, bugs or similar regarding the sensitivity. = Information about how to set the sensitivity or FOV, or some general useful information. All games need to be updated to show this information, this will be done in the coming weeks. A lot of tweaks to the layout.
  10. A lot of people use sensitivity like for instance all ADS in Apex set to 0.9 or Soldier Zoom Aim Sensitivity in Battlefield set to 70%. With this update the calculator finally supports these kind of settings! The new scale option in the conversion setup will scale monitor distance to the set percentage. So if you have Apex ADS set to 0.9, set it up like this: In the case of Apex it is also important to set it to MDV 0% since this is what the game uses. For Battlefield 1 and V which supports both scaling and coefficient, match both values and you'll get the correct calculations: Using 100 as scale will be the same as not using it at all, i.e. the way it was before!
  11. Currently you'll have to convert from a specific aim to other games to do this. But I'm working on an update now to support scaling so this will be a lot easier to do. Probably done this weekend!
  12. DPI Wizard


    Game added Journey To The Savage Planet
  13. Horizontal and vertical sensitivity added.
  14. Horizontal and vertical sensitivity added.
  15. Same acceleration issue with both of them, so neither can be added.
  16. The game has acceleration so it can't be added.
  17. The game has acceleration so it can't be added.
  18. DPI Wizard


    Game added Playcraft Games updated GZDoom / Brutal Doom - Added Y sensitivity. Post Scriptum - Updated ADS sensitivity to be affected by 1X zoom sensitivity.
  19. Added, note that the sensitivity slider is not accurate, so some discrepancy is expected.
  20. No, ADS and 1X are tied together now. The global sens is just a multiplier for all the sensitivity, so it really doesn't matter what it is as if affect all of them.
  21. 1. It seems like this is default now, which is good cause it was the only type that worked. 2. The slider is only accurate to 2 decimals in the lower range (below 0.8 I think), it changes rounding as you go higher. So the best you can do is to set it as close as possible for the higher ranges. I've updated the game notes to reflect this
  22. Updated it now
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