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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Dungeon Defenders and Aimgod is in!
  2. The latest Dungeon Defenders is added!
  3. The latest Dungeon Defenders is added!
  4. Another aim trainer is in.
  5. DPI Wizard


    Another aim trainer is in.
  6. I haven't really tested this other than by feel, but this seems correct yes.
  7. Yes, it was a bug. Fixed now
  8. Just hover your mouse over MDV and you'll see what it means It's also all explained in the instructions.
  9. 360 distance for hipfire and MDV 0% for aims, but this is down to what you personally prefer.
  10. Yes, that will result in the exact same sensitivity.
  11. Enter your value for Sensitivity 1 (MouseYawSensitivity). You can use the default value.
  12. This. I'll make an update so the error message is clearer and the default value is loaded as a placeholder.
  13. They are identical, the only difference is where you configure the sensitivity. Settings -> Camera -> Third Person or Settings -> Camera -> First Person
  14. MDV should be 100% in all these cases, 75% is only for the scale. Sorry if there's been any confusion! Actually I think 100% is better based on your setup.
  15. Correct. Coefficient is the same as Monitor Distance Vertical, so 1 = 100%. And the ADS sens multiplier is the scale, so 0.75 = 75%. So by setting the calculator to match your configuration it will automatically calculate the correct sensitivity. This is probably a bit confusing, but when you convert directly from the SMG ADS to R6 ADS you should set the scale to 100% instead of 75%. The reason for this is that the numbers you enter for SMG ADS (8.68, 1, 0.75) is already equal to 75%. So if you don't change the setup to 100% you apply 75% twice. I'm looking into ways to make this work more streamlined, but that's how it is for now Use MDV 0%, that makes the most sense in your case.
  16. I updated the picture right after posting it to match your settings. The default FOV Type is what the game uses, so if you enter the FOV value from the game you need it set to the default type. But if you want to convert from a different type you can change it and see the output for the config FOV. Since you should have the same FOV in both games you can calculate the config FOV like this: Ideally you should always do this, and it is usually enough to match one of them. But if you play R6 4:3 stretched and CoD in 16:9 it's impossible to match both. If CoD is also 4:3 stretched they will be the same.
  17. Ah, I get what you meant now. No the output just shows you what the value for each scope is, still have to set them manually
  18. Checked it now, and it's 1:1.
  19. Yes, but it doesn't really say what's what in the output:
  20. The conversion wasn't actually possible when you made the post, but a recent update has made it possible. You can now set the scale for the conversion so it's possible to match your 0.75 like this: Also if you play 4:3 stretched you should set the FOV to 64 so it's about the same as in CoD.
  21. There's a small amount of acceleration in this game, expect some discrepancy.
  22. There's a small amount of acceleration in this game, expect some discrepancy.
  23. A bit delayed, but added this now.
  24. It should work correctly now
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