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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Turn off smoothing in-game before setting the sensitivity in the config file!
  2. Since R6 doesn't scale any aim the same, you need to decide what aim you want to convert to what scope in BFV. If you are using 83 for ADS this means that you have the same 360 distance, but this conversion is not usable for scopes.
  3. If by match you mean the same 360 distance, then set ADS to 360 distance in the conversion setup.
  4. Yes, try the one in the link first, if hipfire is too fast try to change it from 360 distance to MDV 0% and try the new numbers. If it's too slow you need something in the middle, try MDV 100% first.
  5. This is the way to go then, but since the hipfire FOV is so different between these games you might have to play around with the Hipfire/Look setup if 360 distance is too fast.
  6. What's your settings in Apex?
  7. This will convert ADS to ADS and ACOG to scopes. As you can see from the R6 output both ACOG and ADS are calculated to 83 based on the conversion setup. Everything will be pretty fast with this conversion though, but that's what R6 is like too.
  8. I think you should do like this. Since you have stretched 4:3 to 16:9 that means that the zoom sensitivity is technically MDH 100%. So by setting the coefficient to 1.78 and all aims to 1.18 you will replicate this zoom sens.
  9. ADS and scope scaling in R6 is very bad, everything scales differently and there's no logic behind it. Can you share a link to your conversion? Do you want to convert from ADS or ACOG?
  10. This is correct! If you don't mind a slightly narrower FOV, set MW to 106.26 to get the same FOV as in CSGO.
  11. You have a much wider FOV in Apex, ideally you should set it to the same as in MW.
  12. Can you post a link to what exactly your calculator looks like (use the purple share button)?
  13. The 1.14 number your achieve like this. It's telling you what sensitivity you need to set to get the same 360 distance in hipfire as you have in the aim. Directly to Kovaak's you would do like this, and yes you are correct with how you have done it
  14. Doesn't seem to be affected by scale.
  15. The scale has changed, it's 10X what the calculation said. I've updated it now.
  16. Actually forget everything I said, it is 1:1 with the same values. I was playing around with different aspect ratios and didn't account for it! So everything was correct before
  17. You're setting it to 0.044? If you've played a bit with the default you might just be used to the vertical speed being slow.
  18. Yes, 50% of yaw. It's easy in the console as you can just double the yaw value for the pitch, but in-game it needs to be calculated as the values are completely different.
  19. You need to adjust the ADS and Scope setup so the calculations for R6 shows your ADS sensitivity (81). You can either adjust both of them so both both ADS and ACOG shows 81, or if you want your ADS sensitivity converted to everything in MW, adjust ADS until the output shows 81, then set Scope to the same. Or opposite if you want ACOG converted to everything.
  20. Updated with vertical sensitivity calculation as it is not 1:1 with the same values.
  21. When aiming (targeting) the camera only moves closer to the character. There is no FOV change, so leaving the targeting sensitivity at the default 100% will maintain the exact same sensitivity as hipfire.
  22. You have to choose which aim/gun you want to match the sensitivity for since you can't set it for each of them. The calculator shows you all the numbers so it's easier to get an overview.
  23. DPI Wizard


    Games added Bleeding Edge 1v1.LOL
  24. Bleeding Edge is in!
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