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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=9578e25250dea3877b5baef3a45a7b78
  2. Horse game is added!
  3. Excellent, added console back now!
  4. DPI Wizard


    Game added Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Games updated GTFO - Added ADS sensitivity and all weapons. Dirty Bomb - Added console sensitivity.
  5. Added first and third person sensitivity.
  6. Added first and third person sensitivity.
  7. Updated now, also added all the weapons
  8. Didn't they remove the console a while ago? Or is it still possible to open it?
  9. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c0069024dbae3023c9b6562c3d835f8f
  10. What's your CSGO zoom sens, and what resolution/aspect ratio are you using in both games?
  11. Do you mean 38 degrees for aim in RDR2? You can't change that, it's locked to 36 Vdeg for third person and 40 for first person.
  12. No, what a 1x is varies a lot between games. Scopes with the same name indicating the power does not mean they are the same. Heck, even withing Modern Warfare the 8X has less zoom than the 5X... So names mean nothing
  13. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=668bf9c620f702288a3b0697dd6a63f9
  14. No, discrepancy is just how far off the calculation is due to lack of decimals.
  15. If what you want is the same 360 distance, you have to set the Hipfire/Look setup to that
  16. You have to use the same FOV in both games. Set Kovaak's Vertical 1:1 and use Vdeg 50 as FOV.
  17. It might be. If your 360 distance is the same, then the only difference is really the FOV. If you use the same value on both computers, the 16:9 part of the monitors will be exactly the same.
  18. Make sure the resolution for CSGO is correct, as this will affect the zoom sensitivity calculation.
  19. You can only see the conversion setup in Advanced mode. Simple mode uses a pre-defined conversion setup which is set to match hipfire using 360 distance. Since you use a different FOV on the computers, the narrower FOV in your laptop should look/feel faster, not slower. Are you using the same mouse on both computers?
  20. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=76b55b41554a13d06224633f5dd8a383
  21. The setup I linked is the same as setting just the one slider to 35. ADS in these games do not have the same FOV, so measuring 45° will not be the same. Just like measuring 2x and 3x in PUBG will be different.
  22. If all your scopes are set to 35, this would be the proper setup. As you can see the the scopes are all calculated to 35 with this setup, and the same conversions are used for MW.
  23. What is your scope sens in PUBG? You need to set up the calculator to match this.
  24. Are you playing on a vertical monitor? You've entered the resolution as 1080x1920, not 1920x1080. You should also re-select Tarkov as it doesn't show in your selection Also generally you should convert from All or Hipfire, not ADS.
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