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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Right now this is a manual procedure. Either you know what the game uses (like CSGO with zoom sens 1 is MDV 133.3333%), or you select the "All" aim for the game and adjust the conversion setup until the output matches your settings. Do note though that a lot of games do not scale their scopes in a logical manner. So it might be impossible to find a multiplier that fits all the aims. However making a magic button that reverses the conversion method for a specific aim is something I want to add. When and if I don't know yet, but it's definitely a desired funtion.
  2. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Fixed a bug causing aspect ratio not to be saved correctly when using the share function. Fixed a bug causing scale to be applied twice when converting from and to ADS/Scope. Fixed a bug where aspect ratio calculations using black bars didn't work correctly with Hdeg Res. Game added SWAT 4
  3. Fixed the bug for this now. It's still an issue for games using multipliers based on Hdeg Res, fixing those next
  4. Yeah, didn't detect anything like that when analyzing the game. Only issue I found was a small amount of what I think is packet loss, but it's less than 0.1%. Will do a more detailed analysis when I get access to the game, but what I found was nothing humanly detectable. However the game might behave differently on different hardware, that's always a possibility.
  5. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/cancel-subscription/
  6. Updated with ADS now!
  7. Not sure, haven't checked yet. If they are the same it makes things a lot easier
  8. ADS for what weapon(s)?
  9. I don't have access to the game right now, but does the zoom levels in the calculator still correspond to the zoom levels of the weapons as described in-game?
  10. Yes, unless they changed something the last day. The default multiplier 1 is equal to MDH 100%, so MDH 0% will be a lower value.
  11. He's probably thinking about MDV 0% https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=26225f6cca491a035add12ed4e9aa4ee
  12. It should, seems like a bug with the FOV being Hdeg Res and the aspect ratio calculation. I'll take a closer look at it!
  13. Do you have a mouse driver with profiles? Might it be a different profile loading for CSGO?
  14. Sounds like your CPI is off, and in fact closer to 1050. Have you tried the DPI Analyzer to find your true CPI?
  15. Updated the config file sensitivity now.
  16. Do you mean it overrides the six decimal value in the config file when you enter the control options in-game? It doesn't do that here at least. Correction, it does override when exiting the game.
  17. There was a bug causing aspect ratio not to be saved, fixed now. And yes, that calculation is correct! FOV Type is unrelated to aspect ratio, it's what kind of type the game uses to express FOV. Changing aspect ratio does not change how the game calculates FOV.
  18. Try exactly the same again now and it should work. The scale was applied twice by error. However you will not get 65 cm as the FOV is different for the aims. If you want that you need to set the scope conversion to 360 distance, but this is generally not recommended.
  19. Sorry, set the aspect ratio on CSGO in the link to 4:3 stretched.
  20. Try like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=bfcb98b634567b6b56ccbb852aeac444 No, you can only match the sensitivity for one zoom at the moment. Hopefully they will add individual settings in the future!
  21. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=4433de3486c4acfd46630a73eca42cee
  22. I actually don't have a key yet, but another member offered access to his account to analyze the game Thanks a lot for the offer though!
  23. Not that I could find, but with three decimals in-game you'll typically be within 0.1% of your target.
  24. DPI Wizard

    SWAT 4

    Make sure that all your settings are according to the info in the notes!
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