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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. It's correct according to the conversion setup, you get such a high sensitivity because you are matching it to 90 degrees in CSGO stretched, while all the scopes are based on your 120 FOV in MW. 1.33 is directly compensating for this FOV difference (120/90=1.333333).
  2. It might be a limitation on your Paypal account, try with credit card or buy from our Kinguin outlet.
  3. No problem! We use kinguin as an outlet because they support more payment methods than the framework the site is built on
  4. Yes, here: mouse-sensitivity.com Subscription | Buy on Kinguin
  5. I agree, but it can be so far off it's useless. Having a 50% difference is not unusual.
  6. 90 should actually work fine since you play stretched in CSGO.
  7. Try this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=40d6d10c5bbfd6333bfbffa7ec3cbc62
  8. Yes, just select a different game to convert to and everything should be good.
  9. Try something like this (adjust resolution, DPI and FOV etc according to your settings): https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=1ff23e5ca53c74e4ab27fd8aea9a9254
  10. What's your ADS sens in CoD (legacy/relative, coefficient, high/low zoom sens), and can you share a link of what you are trying to do now?
  11. Typical 1st line support I guess, they have no idea what they're talking about and just try to get the issue away from their responsibility. 127 has been the limit for as long as I have used scripts (over 8 years now) on a plethora of completely different hardware platforms. In fact suggesting that it's hardware related when it's something 100% software related is frankly an insult.
  12. It maxes out at 127 because of some stupid binary limitation (0-127=128 steps=2^7), so anything above that will move the other way.
  13. FOV Type is related to how the specific game expresses FOV. If you change it, the value in the FOV box should follow and be converted to the new type you select. Rounding might affect this in a minor way though. Apart from that, changing the type is useful for converting between different types. You can match the FOV Type and FOV value of another game, and the output will tell you what FOV you should configure to get this exact FOV.
  14. I changed it just for this reason, expired links in threads will be confusing. So it will expire for non-premium users, but not for those subscribed.
  15. Does it not work for you? I will say expired -XX days ago, but that shouldn't affect you
  16. Btw, some features and games requires premium membership.
  17. You need to change it for R6, not MW. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=e3d24bffdaccb352ab15b60cfdf90f0a
  18. In the config file listed in the game notes. However if you want to set the sensitivity in-game instead, select "In-game" under Location instead of "Config File".
  19. It's working correctly, the calculator needs to know what value you have for MouseYawSensitivity to calculate MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit. The default value of 50 is used as a placeholder and will work fine in most cases.
  20. Added, only options is hex editor though.
  21. Here's where the sensitivity (probably) is located:
  22. Using a HEX editor is the only option to set the sensitivity accurately in this game.
  23. Using a HEX editor is the only option to set the sensitivity accurately in this game.
  24. Many games have 0 as a valid value, some even support negative numbers You can always see the sensitivity range in the game info at the bottom of the calculator.
  25. What do you mean? Set the sensitivity to 0. That's a valid sensitivity value in the game.
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