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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. If you save the input and use it as a default, whatever was entered when you saved will be loaded. So if it always loads 1440, just change it to 1920 and click save.
  2. You only need to do it for the game you want to convert from. All other games should be based on this. And in most cases ADS and scope will use the same conversion.
  3. Questions like this is good, since it's easier to see what update is needed in the instructions to cover them. And what you are asking has been asked a lot, so an update is needed to explain this better
  4. Correct, the others will be slightly off, but as you can see by how close the numbers are they are all really close. It was zoomed 1 for AWP, but I've updated the output to show all zoom levels now. CSGO scales the sensitivity to a 4:3 aspect ratio, so by setting the calculator to MDV 133.3333% (4/3) you will get the correct calculation regardless of your actual aspect ratio. In addition to this the scale is set to 120%, which is exactly the same as setting the zoom sensitivity to 1.2.
  5. You're not locked, the zoom sensitivity is calculated based on the conversion setup. So you should change the ADS/Scope settings so the output matches what you actually are using. This way you can be sure that the same conversion are being used when you convert to other games. It can be a bit technical, but if you tell me what your zoom sensitivity is I can do it for you
  6. Or you can just use this site https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=811959986e89337c926a2cd23dbc3349
  7. The whole point of there being multiple zoom sensitivities is so that you can choose the one you prefer since the game only supports one zoom sensitivity. Since the scopes doesn't necessarily scale according to your preference they will require a different sensitivity to match your conversion. When you select the "All" aim option the zoom sensitivity will be calculated based on the conversion setup. This way you can make sure that the setup matches your settings in the game. So in your case it should be something like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6a58fad4b40a46624610aecfc92899a3 So for Valorant you have to choose which zoom sensitivity to use based on the weapon you want to be perfectly matched to your CSGO zoom. No, not even close. Some games are the same, but there's a ton of different ways zoom multipliers work.
  8. DPI Wizard


    Games added Stranded Deep Modern Combat 5 Roblox - AceOfSpadez
  9. DPI Wizard

    Stranded Deep

    Added with in-game sensitivity.
  10. Added with in-game sensitivity.
  11. Modern Combat 5 is added!
  12. Hipfire and aiming sensitivity added.
  13. Hipfire and aiming sensitivity added.
  14. Absolutely correct, a few games needs this updated actually as they haven't been tested in ultrawide. I've updated the Borderlands games now.
  15. The difference in 360 distance between those two numbers is only 0.1556 inches (30.2358 vs 30.0802) or about 0.5%. You should (probably) not be able to discern this difference, are you getting very different feelings between those two numbers?
  16. Did you use 0.764564 for hipfire or 1.353000? 0.764564 is the zoom sense, I thought you asked if it was ok to use this zoom sens to match CoD. Using it for hipfire is not ok, it won't work at all
  17. DPI Wizard


    Games added POLYGON Drug Dealer Simulator
  18. Just checked this now, and it's still the same config file. It will however not be created until you have changed some settings in-game and exited. Are you not able to find the file?
  19. Yes, this is correct.
  20. Welcome! Check out the instructions, most common questions are answered there. The zoom sensitivity will in this case be based on your CoD settings, and since the FOV is a little bit different you are not getting 0.81 for MDV 0%.
  21. DPI Wizard


    Use the config file calculation for best results.
  22. Use the config file calculation for best results.
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