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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Here's what the sensitivity actually looks like in this game:
  2. DPI Wizard

    Watch Dogs 2

    The sensitivity scale in this game is broken so the discrepancy calculation does not work.
  3. The sensitivity scale in this game is broken so the discrepancy calculation does not work.
  4. If the calculated Widowmaker and Ashe sensitivities are correct, then yes.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, Verdun is updated!
  6. Ideally you should match the FOV exactly, so set it to 103 for MW. This way the sensitivity will be identical. Also for the ADS, the FOV for the scopes are not the same, so you might be better off using monitor distance instead of 360 distance if you want the tracking to be the same.
  7. Can you show how you are converting and why it feels wrong?
  8. Updated ADS now and removed the others that are not yet verified. Will add more when I get them tested.
  9. Working on this now guys!
  10. The only sensitivity setting in this game is a slider with no value, so it can't be added.
  11. The only sensitivity setting in this game is a slider with no value, so it can't be added.
  12. MDH is tied to the horizontal FOV which usually changes when you change aspect ratio. If the game has horizontal FOV locked regardless of aspect ratio however, MDH will give the same result.
  13. Viewspeed Horizontal is meant to keep the relation between the arc and the chord the same. Lot's of info here Viewspeed Vertical is something entirely different, but it's based on the vertical FOV and the end result for 16:9 is almost the same.
  14. DPI Wizard


    Games added Galaxy in Turmoil Gunfire Reborn Games updated Spellbreak - Updated FOV. Fallout 76 - Added Y sensitivity and updated FOV calculations. Bright Memory - Updated sensitivity and FOV calculations. Quantum League - Added adjustable FOV.
  15. In-game sensitivity added.
  16. In-game sensitivity added.
  17. Smoothing/acceleration and what seems like FPS tied sensitivity in this game at the moment, cannot be added.
  18. Smoothing/acceleration and what seems like FPS tied sensitivity in this game at the moment, cannot be added.
  19. That probably depends on what gun you are using. I analyzed it using some kind of sniper with a scope. What are you using?
  20. Support for this in the calculator is coming the next update.
  21. Updated this game now, added adjustable FOV and fixed zoom calculations.
  22. Updated the FOV inclusion now, as well as the sensitivity calculation as it was changed a lot.
  23. Thanks, I've updated the game now. The FOV is 103 which is commonly used for Unreal Engine 4 games.
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