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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Actually they recently changed the scale from 0.5-1.5 to 5-15, I just forgot to remove the rounding. So it's the same as before, and I've updated the rounding now.
  2. Added aim calculations now!
  3. I see, thanks for the screenshot! I've updated the FOV now so it scales correctly.
  4. How do I get scopes? Any quick way?
  5. That is 4:3 FOV, 16:9 is: However since you've glitched it somehow I'm not entirely sure if it keeps the 103 HFOV.
  6. It does, but if you're in "Simple mode" it doesn't show up.
  7. DPI Wizard


    Games added Mass Effect 2 Outbreak New Dawn
  8. A new zombie survival game is added!
  9. A new zombie survival game is added!
  10. No, all calculations are already done in the output. It's just named multiplier because it is a multiplier for the sensitivity in that particular game.
  11. Thanks a lot, your file worked. Not sure why the ME2 fixer doesn't work here, it says it fixes the file and makes a backup. Either way, confirmed how FOV works now and it's already correct in the calculator. Changing FOV changes the look and shoulder aim FOV, while ADS is fixed.
  12. To get the same FOV you should indeed select the same FOV Type and FOV value as the game you are converting from, and check the output for the Config FOV you need to set to match this. So in your case you can do like this, where your config FOV in MW would be 116.91. As for the conversion setup I have set it to match the 3X, 4X and 5X to your 43 here, so it uses this scaling for MW. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b8ad34c030e00cba9fa35e160b1fe225
  13. I did not get any FOV mods to work properly, neither Flawless Widescreen or editing Coalesced.ini with a FOV binding and using the ME2IniFixer.exe worked. Flawless Widescreen does seemingly nothing, and the ME2IniFixer.exe does not fix the file after editing so the game won't launch. Any tips appreciated!
  14. The best way is to base all calculations on a game you are really comfortable in. And it should be a game with good sensitivity settings and scaling. Rainbow Six Siege is for instance a terrible game to base anything off of, as it scales every single scope differently. Games like Apex, BF1/BFV or Overwatch are a lot better. If you want to base your sensitivity off of Windows, try both 0% and 100% in the link I provided earlier, one of them should feel more natural than the other.
  15. Matching that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. To do it you have to match the DPI of the mouse to the PPI of the monitor, which in most normal cases would be around 100 DPI, which is incredible slow.
  16. It depends on your exact settings, but something like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=2467692b93dd06072439d0f6d3b08b55 Where you adjust the Windows/2D setup depending on your preference. MDV 0% is what gives you 1 pixel in Windows = 1 pixel in the game.
  17. At the moment I don't think it's either (acceleration nor raw input), as raw input seems to be on no matter what without any acceleration. This is good though, as it makes mouse input consistent. But the options are a bit confusing. But beware that this might change suddenly if they correctly implement it.
  18. Yes, convert from Windows to Valorant and you'll get this.
  19. Added with look, aim and ads calculations!
  20. DPI Wizard

    Mass Effect 2

    Added with look, aim and ads calculations!
  21. Mass Effect 2 is in!
  22. Aimlab is showing the in-game value which is close to 4:3 FOV:
  23. The "All" aim option is there so you don't have to do calculations for each scope individually. So you need to figure out what your current game settings equate to in the calculator. In your case it's pretty easy, coefficient 1.33 with zoom sens 1 is MDV 133% with scale 100%. So just replicate this in the calculator, and everything else should be correct https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=810a0f53d4370e27912784dc36b18592
  24. Yes, but this game fortunately uses the same scaling (MDV 100%) for all scopes!
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