Calculator updates
Fixed an issue with monitor conversion.
Games added
Renegade X
A Story About My Uncle
Games updated
Roblox - Added new game modes and support for both old and new UI.
Blockpost - Added ADS sensitivity.
For aims and scopes you want the aim to be the same, not the 360 distance. This is achieved by matching monitor distance, from 0% which is tracking speed to any percentage value which is the movement to a certain spot on your monitor. See the instructions thread for some videos explaining this
It's not supposed to be the same with that setup. It's keeping the same tracking speed between scopes, which means increased 360 distance when the zoom increases.
This will keep the same 360 distance, but is not a recommended method as aiming will be incredibly fast for scopes.
What exactly do you mean by slow btw, difference in 360 distance, or the tracking speed seems too slow?
BTW, shoulder aim (first ADS step) is treated as hipfire so it will be matched using 360 distance in your setup.
Tested again now, it's still horrible. Tried everything I can think of, Direct 3D11, disable Origin overlay, vsync, frame limits, raw input etc. The game doesn't even register a lot of the packets from the mouse.
m_yaw is what's being calculated, but you can switch the values around. It will give you an error because the calculation is out of range, but you'll see the sensitivity.
No, the conversion setup handles this for you.
If you convert back to CSGO you'll see that it shows the correct scope sens:
You can't set the sensitivity to 14 in the game, it can only be set in steps of 10.
So the calculator rounds it to 10 since it is the closest you can get to your distance.