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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Look sensitivity added! View full update
  2. Not possible I'm afraid.
  3. Yes it works, it even tells you in the output an estimated DPI you should use. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=402756d46b9abe987cfabfc817869457 Stop begging for stuff and being so arrogant.
  4. No, it's just how angles and field of view work. For instance if you set the vertical FOV to 90 instead of 9 you will not get 10x the horizontal FOV.
  5. All explained in the instructions
  6. It's a limitation of the game, I can't fix that. You need to adjust your DPI.
  7. This is not a bug, aspect ratio and field of view is not related 1:1
  8. It isn't based on a yaw value like Apex, it's based on π.
  9. Thanks, updated!
  10. It's unused for now, but will probably be used should they introduce a more powerful scope than 10x.
  11. Added ADS and scope sensitivity now. Everything scales MDV 100%.
  12. The options supported are generally the internationally most supported ones. If you don't find a suitable payment method here, please check our Kinguin outlet which supports more methods. Thanks!
  13. When all scopes come out at the same value it means that the conversion setup in the calculator perfectly matches what the game uses. MDV 0% or MDV 100% probably.
  14. Yes, use "All" for both sides. 1.0 for high and low is usually good as it scales with the Monitor Distance Coefficient. So the coefficient sets the sensitivity for all scopes.
  15. The "All" option is always recommended as it does everything for you correctly. The first box with percentage is related to the monitor distance, where 0% is tracking speed, 50% is matching the movement halfway between the crosshair and the edge of the monitor and 100% is matching all the way to the edge of the monitor. The scale is scaling whatever matching method you have selected to a certain percentage. So to relate it to how games handle this take this example: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=76e975c119a4c29a7f27bfffc2578463 Here MDV 100% = Monitor Distance Coefficient 1.00 Scale 90 = Low Zoom 0.9 Scale 70 = Low Zoom 0.7
  16. Correct. The other options are different matching methods explained in the instructions
  17. It's generally best to use the same for both ADS and Scope. Some do like ADS to match hipfire in 360 distance, but this only really works for a few games where the ADS is very close to hipfire in FOV and is typically not recommended.
  18. MDV 0% is considered one of the best methods, but it might be too slow for some. If so try MDV 100% instead. And always use the same source for your conversions to keep it consistent. This is due to the lack of accuracy in the game, especially for games with few decimals for the sensitivity you can see quite high discrepancy numbers over 1%, but even with 6 decimals you might see a very low discrepancy in the 0.00XX range. This is nothing to worry about.
  19. All these are correct So if you then match all the hipfire sensitivity using 360 distance hipfire should be sorted. When it comes to scopes they should all feel exactly the same based on what conversion method you are using. How exactly are you converting between the games?
  20. The first step is to use the exact same Actual FOV (not config FOV as that will vary) in all games, are you doing that?
  21. Updated!
  22. Doesn't seem to work anymore unfortunately.
  23. It's actually Hdeg 16:9 and not Vdeg. Measuring 3rd person FOV is really tricky sometimes, I didn't catch the photo mode FOV when analyzing the game, that would have made it a lot easier
  24. Try again now, was one variable not updated with the new maximum.
  25. There will be some system specific info in it, but here it is. GameSettings.ini
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