It depends on your CSGO zoom sensitivity, and if you want to keep it and base other scopes on this.
For instance if it is 1.0, set the conversion to MDV 133.3333%.
The default value for all scopes (50) is pretty good as it keeps the same tracking speed between all scopes. It might feel slow on powerful scopes for some though.
Your scope sensitivity in R6 seems to be a bit all over the place, do you want to keep it like this or find a more logical scaling to it all?
For instance 1.5 at 77, 2.0 at 75 and 2.5 at 81 doesn't make any sense.
Sensitivity in this game is currently affected by framerate, so it's too unstable to be added. Will keep an eye on it to see if any future update fixes this issue.
This game has a very limited sensitivity range and smoothing, use the advanced mode to find the DPI closest to 0% discrepancy for best result.
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For that specific aim there is no difference between the two when you adjust the multiplier to achieve the same 360 distance.
However all other aims that use the same Low Zoom multiplier will be affected differently.