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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. This site is planned to be directly integrated into the calculator soon. In the meantime you can use the sensitivity of any of the supported games already in the calculator that 3d aim trainer also supports.
  2. Can you see if the settings are read from the config file and that the sensitivity values in-game updates? I think on some occasions editing the config file gets ignored by the game.
  3. DPI Wizard


    Games added Ghostrunner Relicta Drake Hollow
  4. The smoothing is gone in the release! But you need to use a polling rate of 500 Hz or below to avoid negative acceleration.
  5. DPI Wizard


    Use a polling rate of 500 Hz or lower to avoid negative acceleration in this game too!
  6. Use a polling rate of 500 Hz or lower to avoid negative acceleration in this game too! View full update
  7. This is correct, the game uses vertical monitor distance so 56.25% of a 16:9 aspect ratio is 100% of the vertical distance.
  8. Relicta is added, unfortunately the config file sensitivity does not work as it gets overwritten by the game.
  9. Mouse input in this game has issues with packet loss, negative acceleration and smoothing. Can not be added in its current state.
  10. Mouse input in this game is pretty terrible with packet loss, negative acceleration and smoothing. Can not be added in the current state unfortunately.
  11. DPI Wizard


    Use a polling rate of 500 Hz or lower to avoid negative acceleration.
  12. Use a polling rate of 500 Hz or lower to avoid negative acceleration. View full update
  13. This game has smoothing and acceleration in addition to no sensitivity value, so it can't be added.
  14. Purchase this game I need not Unfortunately it has smoothing and acceleration in addition to no sensitivity value, so it can't be added.
  15. DPI Wizard

    Drake Hollow

    Note that the FOV in this game is a multiplier, check the output for the actual FOV.
  16. Note that the FOV in this game is a multiplier, check the output for the actual FOV. View full update
  17. Even with mouse filter off and acceleration set to 0 in the config file this game has a lot of negative acceleration and smoothing, so it can't be added.
  18. Even with mouse filter off and acceleration set to 0 in the config file this game has a lot of negative acceleration and smoothing, so it can't be added. It does use a standard Source like sensitivity though.
  19. It's mentioned in the Instructions under Sensitivity 1, Sensitivity 2, Multiplier 1, Multiplier 2
  20. The sensitivity is a product of both these values and the config file specific values, so they can in theory be anything as long as they're not out of range. Changing them will just cause the config file value to be re-calculated accordingly. E.g. 50 and 0.02 is the same as as 25 and 0.04.
  21. Release, the old version is just there for those who want to convert from old to release. No, you can either do in-game with less precision due to lack of decimals, or do config file directly with better precision. Multiplier is useful for finding the best multiplier for one specific scope, then use this multiplier when selecting sensitivity. Some might be missing if their in-game value is set to the default. If you change everything in-game they should appear.
  22. DPI Wizard


    Games added DeadCore Dude Simulator 3 Dark Deception Game updated Quake 4 - Added yaw and pitch support.
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