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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard

    Cyberpunk 2077

    It's finally here! Look sensitivity and some ADS are in, more coming soon!
  2. That chart is indeed correct. I've added an "All" entry to the BF3 aims so you can see all aims in a single calculation. This way it's easier to see what you need to set the sensitivity to for each scope for it match your preference
  3. Updated now! FOV was a bit wrong too and fixed now, it's actually a vdeg multiplier and not hdeg 4:3 as the devs said a while ago (they said it's the same as CSGO). The new 2.5X is identical to 3X as far as I can tell. Scopes do vary in power depending on the weapon though.
  4. You were on point for the most part, except for the scopes Your info helped speed things along a lot! Added everything now into one calculation so it's easy to pick out what you want.
  5. Awesome, thanks a lot for the info!
  6. I'll see if I can add all these. I won't be able to verify them myself since this game lacks a training mode as far as I know. You mean just the 8X and 16X right? The rest is affected by FOV change?
  7. Added! No One Lives Forever 2 is also in, the mod worked
  8. DPI Wizard


    Games added No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way Combat Arms the Classic (Engine2)
  9. Use the config file sensitivity for best accuracy. View full update
  10. Use the config file sensitivity for best accuracy.
  11. New parkour shooter added!
  12. New parkour shooter added! View full update
  13. Depends on you preference, but a lot prefer 360 for hipfire since it keeps your navigational sensitivity the same rather than aiming.
  14. Added along with a few other scopes!
  15. Is it longer in Siege? You might be affected by a bug introduced in the latest big patch: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forums/topic/7291-r6-raw-input-turn-on-is-bugged/ You could try to turn off raw input to see if that helps.
  16. Most likely a setting as both these games should be 100% correct. The only issue I can think of is if you change FOV in CSGO and don't have the zoom sensitivity set to 1 (zoom sensitivity affects hipfire when changing FOV in CSGO). Can you link your conversion (use the purple share button)?
  17. Nothing wrong with it, as I said it is the same as MDH 100%. The calculator defaults to MDV 0% for all conversions since this is the most consistent conversion regardless of other variables. But there's nothing wrong with changing it to another value like MDH 100% if you prefer that instead.
  18. The you should use MDH 100% instead
  19. DPI Wizard


    Games added Embr Roblox - Room 2 Game updated CRSED: F.O.A.D. (ex Cuisine Royale) - Updated how FOV scales with ultrawide monitors.
  20. DPI Wizard


    Use the regedit calculation for best accuracy.
  21. Use the regedit calculation for best accuracy. View full update
  22. This is MDH 100%, i.e. same movement from the center of the monitor to the edge. The calculator defaults to MDV 0% since it gives you the same pixel movement, but what you prefer might be different like MDH 100%
  23. You need to enter it into the address field (to the left), not the search field
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