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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Updated all them now!
  2. No, I said it uses a vdeg multiplier. Meaning that the FOV value you set in the game is a multiplier for the actual vertical FOV you get. The devs did this to (in a very clunky way) try to get "close" to CSGO in terms of FOV value. I think their thought process was that CSGO uses a 4:3 based FOV, so if we multiply the vertical FOV by 3/4 we get the same thing... Which is not correct. But it's what the game uses. So if you set a FOV of 100 in-game, what you actually get is 100*0.75 which is 75 vdeg.
  3. A lot of UE4 games have this issue, we need to raise it somehow so Epic is aware of this. I don't know if it's an inherent issue in UE4 or if it's some specific setting the devs do, but either way it should be fixed!
  4. Another example of UE 4 games struggling with high report rates I guess. Try to set your mouse to 500Hz or 250Hz and it should be spot on.
  5. 100% MDH means that moving the cursor form the center of the monitor to the edge will be the same mouse movement as moving the crosshair to aim at what is at the edge of the monitor. 50% MDH means the same movement to the half the distance to the edge. 0% means the same pixel ratio, i.e. one pixel movement in Windows is one pixel movement in the game. MDH does all this for the horizontal axis, while MDV does it for the vertical. Using vertical has the benefit that any increased width (like going from 16:9 to 21:9) keeps the same sensitivity in the 16:9 portion.
  6. You have to select EUR and not USD, Alipay only accepts EUR from this site unfortunately. Go to the store and select here:
  7. DPI Wizard


    Game added Sniper: Ghost Warrior Games updated Scavengers - Updated sensitivity scale. Cyberpunk 2077 - Added more aims and weapons.
  8. Sniper: Ghost Warrior is added!
  9. Check the notes for instructions on this one since it lacks numeric values.
  10. Check the notes for instructions on this one since it lacks numeric values. View full update
  11. Correct, should've been D5, not DC5! I'm using as short a name as possible since the entries will be very crowded eventually. Fixed it now, and also sorted the weapons alphabetically.
  12. Updated now, but there seems to be a bug in the UI that only allows you to move the sensitivity in one decimal steps (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) rather than in two.
  13. Updated the range of zoom sensitivity now and added instructions on how to increase the max value. If you get a zoom sensitivity calculation above 2 you have to do this fix!
  14. Quite a bit of smoothing yes, but in first person it shouldn't affect your actual sensitivity (i.e. the 360 distance will be correct), but it will make it feel sluggish. In third person there's both smoothing and acceleration...
  15. It is broken in some cases where it misses reports from the mouse. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forums/topic/7291-r6-raw-input-turn-on-is-bugged/ Turning it off is the best option at the moment.
  16. DPI Wizard


    Game added Cyberpunk 2077 Games updated Insurgency: Sandstorm - Updated FOV calculations and added new scopes. Rust - Added calculations for all weapons and aims.
  17. This file works for increasing the max zoom sensitivity too! Will test it a bit and update.
  18. The FOV Type has changed. It used to be Hdeg 4:3 in the calculator, but this was wrong compared to what the game actually uses. It uses a multiplier for vdeg, so this changes the calculations slightly since the FOV was wrong before. Your new screenshot is what's correct assuming you also configure the FOV accordingly (98.319727).
  19. Not from what I've tested. Tried with both FOV, sensitivity and zoom sensitivity, going beyond the in-game limit just resets the value.
  20. Added 2X scope and third person view. Third person has acceleration, so expect some discrepancy.
  21. Updated the rounding to 6 now
  22. Also very strange that they made the slider opposite (higher value is slower speed), as it caps out very quickly compared to what some probably want. Go above the max value of 2 in the config does not work either.
  23. It's currently capped at 100. What exactly is your settings? The FOV of these two weapons is too different and the range of the ADS sensitivity is to narrow. You have to convert from hipfire. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=72ef4627e6a1f4d6a1144bc7e86b61f0 The actual multiplier of the zoom sensitivity depends on the weapon actually, more will be added.
  24. Note that the ADS is easily out of range if you haven't matched FOV with the source game.
  25. It's finally here! Look sensitivity and some ADS are in, more coming soon! View full update
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