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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard


    Added with zoom sensitivity support.
  2. Added with zoom sensitivity support. View full update
  3. It has a collapse function (not completely close), but I need to fix some issues with the background before enabling it. Working on it
  4. The look of the entire site is updated with proper support for dark and light themes! Click the paint brush in the top bar to change theme. There's also been a lot of minor layout tweaks and fixes, so make a post this thread if something doesn't look right.
  5. Yes, they all use the same settings.
  6. Select the Operator aim you want to match in Valorant and see the output for the "Actual HFOV" and use this value in McOsu.
  7. Updated McOsu now, use the config file calculation to access the zoom fov and sensitivity. Note that you have to manually add the zoom sensitivity to the config file, see the game info.
  8. This is about as close as you get with a sensible conversion: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b04d93879cd90e481b58a9d368687780 No, only English.
  9. Then you have to change the conversion setup to match your settings. What are your current settings in R6?
  10. If you want to convert from a specific scope you need to select this scope in the Aim selection. This will open up the sensitivity 2 field. This is generally not recommended though, unless you know what you are doing.
  11. This value is being calculated based on your conversion setup, if it's not the value you use you must configure the conversion setup for ADS and scope until it matches. This way you can be sure that the calculator is converting the sensitivity correctly according to your settings.
  12. Try MDH 0% or 100% instead, it will use the vertical FOV to match the sensitivity. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=9e42003b4460ee2af0b701610eccdbc5
  13. Checked it now and nothing seems to have changed, what exactly do you mean?
  14. I'm amazed this isn't fixed yet with such a big title and studio.
  15. No problem!
  16. It's the discrepancy for the scopes, select "Advanced" under Mode to see the discrepancy for each scope.
  17. The "mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_7" in the config file is not in use, and the output from the calculator shows you where each setting goes.
  18. Sorry, I was referring to this: Kovaak might be doing things differently depending on your scenario, what exact scenario and setup are you using?
  19. This is MDV 0%:
  20. Added with ADS and scope sensitivity.
  21. Yes
  22. It sounds like your FOV in Warframe is changing from 90, it might be how the game works and changes you FOV based on buffs etc. Launch a training mission and see if it is correct there. See this post, might it be the same issue?
  23. DPI Wizard


    Game added Hitman 3
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