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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. If you set it to 1 you can set the sensitivity scalar for each scope power (so a different sensitivity for 1x, 2x 3x etc), if you set it to 0 you can only set one scalar which affects all scopes. Settings it to 0 is effectively the same as using the same sensitivity value for all scopes.
  2. I don't think they have acceleration but different FOV's which affect their sensitivity. I can check what I can get in the training mode and name them in the calculation.
  3. There's a bug in the game that rounds the FOV before doing the scope calculations, so this value is to make it perfect and the distance calculations correct.
  4. Set both ADS and scope to the same selection and value. You have 0% in this example which will match the tracking speed. If you for instance want the same mouse movement distance to move the crosshair to the edge of the monitor, enter 100% instead. You can also do this in one calculation like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b67f290f8d883c2b61ab9d038809fd5f And unless you do match the sensitivity using 0%, you can only choose one aim to match perfectly, all others will be slightly off.
  5. Thanks, I've adjusted the calculations according to this scope now, see if it is correct for you. I don't know if there are different "4x" scopes in this game?
  6. What is the quickest way to get a sniper to test?
  7. Unless the FOV is matched (so for instance the hipfire FOV of csgo matches the ADS FOV in Apex), there is no such thing as 1:1 sensitivity. If the FOV is different it is only possible to match one aspect of the sensitivity. Like the same 360 distance, the same tracking speed (MDV 0%) or the same movement to the horizontal edges of your monitor (MDH 100%). But matching one of these means all others will be different.
  8. Select "Monitor Distance - Horizontal" in the conversion setup and enter the percentage which represents where on the monitor you would like the match. 0% is tracking speed, 50% is halfway between the crosshair and the edge of the monitor, 100% is to the edge of the monitor and so on.
  9. Config file does no longer seem to work, so you are unfortunately stuck with the in-game sensitivity.
  10. Can you share a link to what you have tried?
  11. It depends on all your settings in MW and if the calculator is set up to replicate them. What are they?
  12. Ok, then this would be the approach, as mentioned you can only match one low and one high when you switch from Legacy to Relative: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=dac65f53f3ca48e2aa86dbfc4ebcf573
  13. Legacy is locked to a base FOV og 65 Hdeg 4:3 though, so it's only possible to match two aims (one low and one high) if you change to relative. So unless the FOV is actually 80.691 (which equals 65 Hdeg 4:3) it won't be the same with 0 coefficient.
  14. Yes, except for the FOV! That goes in %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\profile\profile.cfg.
  15. Updated Counter Blox now, it had been changed since I analyzed it.
  16. What is your zoom sensitivity in csgo?
  17. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Improved calculation speed. Moved link to 3D Aim Trainer to a dedicated icon. Games added Fault Outriders Games updated Valheim - Added support for FOV change using a mod. Roblox - Added Sound Space
  18. Both these added!
  19. Updated now to allow FOV change in the game. It does not affect the 360 distance.
  20. DPI Wizard


    Just added!
  21. Just added! View full update
  22. Yeah, it was a good idea as a streamlined integration to link the sensitivity, but a bit clunky from a user experience perspective.
  23. Try again now @fortunate reee, should load correctly and a lot quicker.
  24. It should be enough to just click in any field then the arrow keys or something to trigger a re-calculation. There's been some changes to the infrastructure that slowed down the server requests (so the calculation fires before the numbers are loaded), this will be addressed in an update later today. I'll @ you when it's published so you can test.
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