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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Scroll down in the calculator to see the game notes.
  2. Nothing special needed, just a text editor to open the config file in the path described in the game notes (Notepad++ highly recommended). Always make a copy of the file before editing so you can restore your starting point if needed
  3. Not sure what you mean, you have to set the sensitivity in the config file as the output dictates.
  4. No, this is correct. As it says in the game notes: Negative sensitivity numbers are supported.
  5. Not at all, it's all down to preference and play style. 0% might be the most preferred method, but there's really no right or wrong or best method.
  6. Try MDV 100% maybe. This conversion will be a bit weird since the vertical FOV is about 1.75X higher in CSGO, while the horizontal is only 1.3X higher. So you will get very different result for horizontal and vertical due to the stretch in CSGO.
  7. Everything else is equal for the games, so likely yes, but I haven't actually tested it.
  8. It was still a thing last time I checked. Such a stupid and pointless mechanic when it can be overridden by adjusting the sensitivity...
  9. I prefer 360 distance for hipfire since it makes navigating (turning around corners, looking behind you etc) the same. Aim precision is usually not that important for hipfire for most games.
  10. Still the same as before I'm afraid. There is a config file that require a hex editor to edit, but changes are overwritten when the game launches. So for now the in-game slider is the only option I can find.
  11. The coefficient is referring to the Sensitivity 2 field for the games that supports this. This Sensitivity 2 value will be calculated based on the resolution and conversion method setup for the scope.
  12. Well, it's still correct as your Monitor Distance is 0 in that example
  13. 1.333333 is the correct placeholder in those two cases for 133.3333%. If you switch BFV to in-game location it will show 133.3333%.
  14. They are only the same as long as the aspect ratio is the same. It seems like you have a different aspect ratio on CSGO, which makes the calculation different It seems like you have a custom 1810x1080 resolution on CSGO, which is different from 1920x1080.
  15. If you are referring to this: It's not affecting the PC version. Or is there something else I missed?
  16. Select in-game if you don't want to set the sensitivity in the config file.
  17. Sorry, forgot to publish the changes. Reload now and use the "All" option to get the pitch calculated
  18. Correct, added vertical sensitivity now.
  19. All the methods except 360 distance does this, but in different ways. Correct!
  20. For ADS (and scopes) you want to keep the aim consistent, meaning the same mouse movement to either track a target or flick to a point on the monitor. You don't (in most cases) want the same 360 distance as that will make the aim very different depending on the FOV. For certain games (where you run around a lot while ADS'ing) using 360 distance might be viable since you navigate a lot while ADS'ing. 0% will keep the tracking speed the same and is generally the most preferred method. Some might find it too slow though. Unless you have very specific preferences you should always use one source for all your conversions, and use the "All" aim whenever possible. This will do all calculations simultaneously and eliminate most pitfalls that might break the consistency. Ideally like this so the ADS is based on hipfire using MDV 0%: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d0ffd31f15530edf6ca70fc211106075 But if 0.34 is what you want to use do like this instead where the scale for ADS and scope is adjusted so the calculator correctly calculates your ADS sensitivity and uses this for all other games as well: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=66e85b1e04baa25667ef1d22208ec0b8
  21. These three games are added!
  22. DPI Wizard


    Games added Total Chaos (GZDoom mod) Hobo: Tough Life Refunct
  23. Be sure to select the correct aspect ratio under "Set video mode".
  24. Be sure to select the correct aspect ratio under "Set video mode". View full update
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