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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing!
  2. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing! View full update
  3. Just checked the game now, and the calculations are correct. 0.7 is extremely fast compared to your horizontal sensitivity, are you sure about that?
  4. I've tracked down the problem now. If you use version 1.8.1 or lower you need to disable vsync and use a polling rate of 500 Hz or maybe even 250 Hz for the sensitivity to work correctly. The issue is related to this fix for 1.8.2, and I've tested a few later version without seeing any issues. If you do have an issue with a later version, try the same fixes though.
  5. Aims are FOV affected, hipfire is not
  6. The output should tell you the correct Y value if you select it in the "Aim" option. This particular game has a lot of issues with sensitivity though, but using the calculations you can at least get the base sensitivity correct.
  7. The 360 distance This is MDH 100%, and a lot of games use this by default.
  8. The conversion is set to MDV 0%, which uses the vertical FOV. And the vertical FOV doesn't change when you stretch 4:3 to 16:9, only the horizontal does, so the calculation results in the same number. You hipfire conversion is set to MDH 0% here, which uses the horizontal FOV. And this FOV is different for the games you convert between, resulting in almost the same sensitivity when using m_yaw 0.0165 (since this value is most likely derived from stretching 4:3 to 16:9 which is (4/3)/(16/9)=0.75). When you do the same with the default m_yaw the sensitivity is different because it accounts for this difference.
  9. No, enter monitor resolution and select the aspect ratio you are playing with (4:3 stretched). The physical monitor ratio is known based on the resolution alone. The FOV type is specific to the game, it is not related to your actual aspect ratio.
  10. Both correct! You got the wrong FOV there, you've entered a config file FOV but have selected in-game. This would be correct: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=218752623a471c89fd17addf41565515 (Apex uses the same Source sensitivity as CSGO). Also, doesn't apex force black bars when doing 4:3? Or are you overriding it somehow? Either way, the correct setup would be to enter your monitor's native resolution, then select the aspect ratio for this monitor. This way the calculator knows both your physical and forced aspect ratio.
  11. Sorry, that's the calculation for the 360 distance, not the sensitivity itself Fixed. The actual sensitivity calculation varies depending on the game.
  12. Say you want to raise it from 1.9 to 2.1, do like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=0f06ed87e697db7bd7211edd98404594
  13. Well, if your zoom sens in Apex is 1.18, this would be most correct:
  14. I meant your CSGO zoom sens, you are converting from CSGO to Apex here right?
  15. The most correct way if you use 1.12 for 1x would be to use 1.12 for all Apex scopes. And for CSGO like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=739ee05ce4dff5c98d9b25da0bfda98a
  16. It depends on what you mean by 1:1, as you can only match one aspect of the sensitivity. 360 distance, tracking speed, flick distance etc.
  17. The mail notifications are many hours delayed for some reason for some domains, I'll look into it.
  18. It depends on what your zoom sensitivity is, is it 1?
  19. Ok, great to know. Do you know what kind of firewall or security measures are on your network? If I can replicate the problem I should be able to fix it
  20. Is your phone on wifi on the same network as your computer? If so, can you try disconnecting it from the wifi and see if that works? It sounds like there's a firewall between you and the site blocking the scripts.
  21. It seems like there is something blocking java scripts on your end. Does it work in incognito/private mode? On mobile?
  22. No separate horizontal/vertical option in Apex that I'm aware of. If you use a mouse driver or similar that allows you to set a different vertical DPI, it's as simple as a straight up multiplier. Say your m_yaw in CSGO is 0.165 and your DPI is 1000, then set your vertical DPI to 1000*0.022/0.0165=1333 DPI. This will be the same for every game that has a 1:1 horizontal and vertical sensitivity, no need to re-calculate it for each game.
  23. Not open in my region yet, but I'm registered
  24. Config file works, if you can't see the parameters in the config file you might have to change them in-game and exit first.
  25. Not exactly, it's distance/zoom*(90/scopefov), and this gives you MDH 100% for 4:3 (since the FOV for CSGO is based on 4:3). MDH 75% is correct for 16:9 only (since (4/3)/(16/9) = 0.75). MDV 133.3333% is correct for all aspect ratios (since the vertical FOV doesn't change and 4/3=1.33333). 0% is distance/zoom*(tan(fovin/2)/tan(fovout/2)) where the FOV is in radians.
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