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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Just added! View full update
  2. Correct, since the FOV bar has no numerical value, the FOV multiplier is the steps on the FOV bar. From 0 to 10 if I recall correctly.
  3. The FOV for the aim is locked, it does not change when you change FOV. Only the first person look is actually affected by the FOV change.
  4. It's different, working on adding it!
  5. It matches up perfectly here, what exactly is your settings? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=aedaf55b9d74cf1b999e2a2ba070f2ea
  6. Have you entered the same zoomed FOV (Sensitivity 2) into the calculator as you have in-game?
  7. I've added 1.25x and 1.37x now. 1.5x for the SnapPoint is typo I think, it is the same as 1.25x.
  8. Not that I can think of, anything between is arbitrary so just start with 50% and go from there.
  9. The ones you mention are the most common ones used by games (but note that a lot of games use either no scaling or a completely arbitrary one). MDV 0% MDV 100% = MDH 56.25% for 16:9 MDV 133% = MDH 100% for 4:3 MDV 178% = MDH 100% for 16:9 The 100% values are derived directly from the FOV value, so for instance a 90 FOV hipfire to a 45 FOV scope would be 90/45=twice the 360 distance. The different percentages are linked to the FOV type of games, if they use vertical FOV you will get MDV 100%, if they use a 4:3 based FOV you get MDV 133% (4/3) or MDH 100% for 4:3 etc. My suggestion is always to start at MDV 0% and go up in these increments if it feels too slow. Then go to some middle value if the next step turns out to be too fast.
  10. No, checked it now and it's is 1:1 actually.
  11. It will depend on your exact settings, but here's an example: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=0a159092198a645a4fe3dd35b70043e4
  12. It does change depending on the FOV, can you share an example where it doesn't change?
  13. Correct indeed. Apex uses tracking speed (MDV 0%) by default, so when that's your preference you will get the same sensitivity value for all scopes.
  14. Not recent but about 7 months ago. It turns out that Apex rounds the FOV before calculating the sensitivity. So for instance if your FOV is 89.49 it will round down to 89 and use this as the base for the ADS, while if it is 89.5 it will instead round up and use 90. The calculator accounts for this which is why you get somewhat weird numbers.
  15. Mostly this, input lag might be a bit higher too. When raw input is not on the most noticeable effect when analyzing games is that some packets from the mouse do not register, resulting in a slight negative acceleration.
  16. DPI Wizard


    Games added Dungeon Defenders Serious Sam Classics: Revolution Deathly Stillness (死寂) Severed Steel Games updated Roblox - Added Rush Point.
  17. The FOV slider in this game lacks a numerical value, so you have to estimate the FOV value.
  18. The FOV slider in this game lacks a numerical value, so you have to estimate the FOV value. View full update
  19. Rush Point is added to Roblox.
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