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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Legendary Edition added!
  2. There's a donate button in the store now He want's his scopes a bit faster, so this is the same as setting the ADS and scope conversion to MDV 0% Scale 105% (or close, see next answer) Absolutely correct on the FOV. For the ADS you set the scale of ADS and scope to 104.485%. Apex has a bug where it rounds the FOV to the nearest whole number before calculating scope sensitivity, so if you want it absolutely perfect you need to manually adjust for this if you want the output to be 1.05. I've done this here: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=a586b27230c492ba347ff4394a8ec1f8 360 distance will only be the same for ADS/scopes with the same FOV. You can never trust the stated power in the name of the scopes, a 6X in Apex is not the same as a 6X in BFV etc. The calculator does all the magic for you here, so you don't have to care about it. The important part is that a scope with a specific FOV in Apex will be the same as a potential scope in BFV with the same FOV. No, if the calculations for the different ADS sensitivity is not the same you have to choose. Select the one with the weapon/aim/scope you use the most.
  3. Apex in-game FOV is a bit weird since it doesn't show you the correct FOV value (so it's technically a multiplier). But the calculator solves this for you as it will always show you the actual HFOV and VFOV in the output. So 90 in Apex is very close to 73 in BFV.
  4. You forgot the FOV for the first one and converted to a different resolution. It should be like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=839adfbe55a846c173146d9122ecf729 Converting from BFV is in most cases easy, as you can perfectly replicate the USA and scope setting. And unless you for some reason use a different sensitivity for all scopes you can do it in a single calculation
  5. For some this works well, any many people uses this method. But it really depends on you preference, it will probably feel completely off for others. In your case though it seems to be in the right range.
  6. While it's not important for BFV or Apex, you should use a DPI you are comfortable with in Windows so the cursor feels natural for those games that have inventory management. There's is no ratio or magic formula ro increase the sensitivity however, you just have to try out different values yourself. My only suggestion would be to do it in big steps to work out quickly what works. So for instance try 20%. If it's still not fast enough try 25%, if it's too fast try 15%. Then go 2% up or down etc. There's no such suggestion as everyone is different and have different preferences. But you should find a balance between a sensitivity value that is not too high so it skips pixels, and a DPI that you are comfortable with in Windows. You can easily find the closest sensitivity to 1 pixel/count by converting from Windows to a game: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=af670c7f49d520cbf407702a4a98b920 Note that this value depends on resolution and FOV, but not DPI (as long as the DPI is the same for Windows and the game).
  7. Monitor Distance and 360 distance are two different matching methods, and will only result in the same 360 distance if the FOV is identical. Monitor Distance is purely based on FOV to make the relative aim the same.
  8. Tested now, and it seems like the scopes do in fact need both values indeed. So set the Sensitivity as well in the config file and it should work.
  9. 360 for the ADS should be 14.3598 inches, for 2x it should be 27.6252 inches with your settings. Is this what you are getting? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=40012a2c0a3789538531e58846ddc882
  10. What exactly is the values you are using?
  11. It's opposite, enabling universal sens disables the option to set the scopes individually. Universal sens in PUBG is nothing like USA in Battlefield etc, it just means you use the same numerical sensitivity value for all scopes.
  12. Excellent, works like a charm!
  13. 1.9x is added now.
  14. Have you changed any yaw value or something in the config file? This game uses the same base sensitivity as CSGO etc, nothing special about it.
  15. I just checked the game now as it has been a bit back and forth exactly how it handles the sensitivity. It's now back to how it originally worked. Config file 1 is just the value displayed in-game, if you change this in the config file it will not actually change the sensitivity. Decimals are supported and recommended, as it will be more accurate when displayed in-game. Technically yes, but the drawback is that the in-game sensitivity will not display what you actually have. If you do both it's easier to get an overview in-game. This value is not used unless you have "Universal Sensitivity for All Scopes" enabled. And all it does is setting all the scope sensitivities to the same value.
  16. Unsupported for now.
  17. Correct. There might be workarounds or hacks to make it go 1 pixel every time regardless of display scale, but I don't know of any. Your mouse settings won't fix it though, that's for sure. It has to be some Windows hack.
  18. No, this is controlled by Windows and is unrelated to your DPI settings.
  19. 150% will make the cursor alternate between moving 1 and 2 pixels. So 1-2-1-2-1-2 etc.
  20. DPI Wizard


    Games added The Anacrusis Cyberfrags '69 Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Game updated Heroes & Generals - Updated ADS FOV.
  21. Finally got into it now and tried, and yes the mouse sensitivity is atrocious. This is a "classic" port where I don't think they even tried the game with a mouse and keyboard.
  22. Sounds like a typical console port where the mouse input acts like an analog stick... I'll see for myself "soon".
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