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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I've added calculations for all vertical and horizontal sensitivity values now, the game didn't have a separate vertical option before.
  2. The game has been updated since release, I've fixed the calculations now
  3. The config file location has changed, but sensitivity is the same.
  4. I found the error now, you have used the mouse sensitivity on the axis multipliers as well, these must be set to 1. You have this: <Attr name="MouseSensitivity" value="0.511963"/> <Attr name="MouseSensitivityX" value="0.511963"/> <Attr name="MouseSensitivityY" value="0.511963"/> Change it to: <Attr name="MouseSensitivity" value="0.511963"/> <Attr name="MouseSensitivityX" value="1"/> <Attr name="MouseSensitivityY" value="1"/> And it should be spot on
  5. Thanks a lot, I've fixed the inconsistency with both Vermintide games
  6. These settings should be exactly the same, how exactly are you testing? Just a 360 in hipfire? Is there any possibility of a mouse profile being activated on either of the games, changing the DPI?
  7. You didn't specify what game you are talking about, but I assume it's Rainbow Six Siege If so, this value is longer in use, it is replaced by ADSMouseSensitivity1x, ADSMouseSensitivity1xHalf etc. Previously you only had one ADS sensitivity that affected all weapons, but you now have sensitivity for each zoom level.
  8. @ufo1og answered this correctly below This seems amazing and will make by job a lot easier!! I'll try it out ASAP
  9. This is "typical" for games on Microsoft Store/Xbox unfortunately. Usually the actual config file is located in a non-accessible folder or cloud and is copied to the accessible location on launch, overwriting everything there (or something to that effect). So I'm afraid you are stuck with in-game sensitivity
  10. Correct, it should be 106 then. You have to choose which one you want the sensitivity to be correct for. The sensitivity calculated will only be correct for the different weapons with their specific setting. The "General" targeting is just every thing else that is not AR/Bow or Hunting Rifle. All the others are the same when you ADS. So if you usually never play with AR/Bow or Hunting Rifle, then the "General" options is best suited.
  11. Can you attach your config files for both games?
  12. You should always (if possible) use the "All" calculation and set the conversion to match your existing sensitivity. If you have 1.01 as ADS in Apex, this would simply be MDV 0% with scale 101%. With the "All" conversion you get all available aims calculated at once, and in the case of Fortnite you have to choose between three different targeting and two different scope sensitivities since several different weapons use the same sensitivity. Note that the "Targeting - General" sensitivity has no zoom, it's just the camera moving closer to the character. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=28ad575f616c34bc7b1f761e5480b029
  13. Hi! The link is invalid, can you try to share a new one? Are you testing the 360 distance for hipfire in both games?
  14. If the WPS field is disabled in the calculator, the game uses raw input. This means that WPS does not affect the sensitivity.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Games added SoulWorker DeadPoly Games updated Marauders - Added ADS sensitivity. Cruelty Squad - Added fullscreen calculation which is affected by resolution. Turbo Overkill - Updated sensitivity calculation.
  16. The Mouse Sensitivity value is the cursor speed, which also affect the camera sensitivity. View full update
  17. DPI Wizard


    The Mouse Sensitivity value is the cursor speed, which also affect the camera sensitivity.
  18. You can enter up to three decimals and they will register correctly, but the game will round it to the nearest two and apply it when you load a new game. View full update
  19. DPI Wizard


    You can enter up to three decimals and they will register correctly, but the game will round it to the nearest two and apply it when you load a new game.
  20. Marauders is updated now, note that you have to use a polling rate of 500 Hz or lower to disable smoothing.
  21. I have access now, and see they have even changed the name to Marauders. I'll analyze it tomorrow to see if anything has changed!
  22. Correct, games like this are unfortunately so controller focused that any issues with mouse and keyboard gets basically no priority. The calculations you get from the calculator are correct for the base sensitivity though, I can see this very clearly in the data. But the random acceleration throws it off completely in certain cases, so it might feel completely off
  23. Ok, this looks good. Setting the sensitivity in the PUBG config file can be a bit of a pain though, does your in-game general sensitivity show 36?
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