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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. ADS used to be the same formula as look sensitivity with just the FOV as a modifier. At some point they changed the ADS formula slightly so it's about 1% different. I'll see if I can add the config file, although it doesn't really add any more precision as the 6 decimals in-game should be enough.
  2. The Viewspeed conversions are dynamic and will result in a slightly different monitor distance for each scope, if that's what's you're after. If you have a specific monitor distance in mind for each scope, you have to do the conversion manually.
  3. Try this one, it replicates the default zoom sensitivity in CSGO for all the conversions: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6084fcb7379b6cdd295cf18e9b391da5
  4. This worked! There's some acceleration in the game though, I'll see if I can find a way to mitigate it.
  5. Ok, just let me know if you find a way to fix it
  6. For those you have to choose your poison basically... You can keep the 360 distance, tracking speed or flick distance the same, there's no right or wrong answer here. The most important thing is that you find what method works for you and stick with it for all games.
  7. You have vastly different FOV's in your screenshot. In the last one you have 103 actual HFOV for Overwatch and 137 for Battlefront 2. Ideally you should use 103 for Battlefront as well, which means setting the FOV to 70.5328.
  8. 1:1 is not possible unless you also have the exact same FOV for the aim. You have to choose if you want the same 360 distance, same tracking speed or same flick distance to a specific spot. What exactly do you want?
  9. How is it not the same exactly? Are you also matching the FOV?
  10. DPI Wizard


    Game added Evil Dead: The Game Game updated Project Sparrow - Smoothing disable by default, removed instructions.
  11. Excellent, works like a charm!
  12. I think a specific scope is the same on any sniper, but the variable zoom is in some cases different than another scope with the same zoom level. There was an update not too long ago that made scopes a bit more logical, but still a 5.5x variable is different than a 5.5x regular scope. All the scopes in the calculator are actually measured. 7x is missing, I'll add it soon!
  13. See the notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  14. See the notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  15. These zoom levels are true optical zooms btw, so equivalent to BF1 etc. But they are based on a FOV of 103 regardless of your configured FOV. The game seems fun, I think I have to try it a bit more than just rushing through until I get a scoped weapon
  16. Note quite sure what the goal was here again, but you should use MDH 100% if you want to match the movement to the edge of the monitor for all aims. Using 133.3333% horizontal means that the match is beyond the edge.
  17. DPI Wizard


    Game added The Cleaner Games updated RAYZE - Updated sensitivity formula. Gunfire Reborn - Added sensitivity for all zoom levels. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide - Updated sensitivity formula. Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Updated sensitivity formula. Bloodhunt (Vampire: The Masquerade) - Added vertical sensitivity and updated ADS sensitivity formula. Project Sparrow - Updated config file location.
  18. I can't get the game to run here. I followed the instructions, but all I get is the splash screen and a white window
  19. The FOV slider does not have a numerical value, so you have to eyeball the slider based on the percentage. View full update
  20. DPI Wizard

    The Cleaner

    The FOV slider does not have a numerical value, so you have to eyeball the slider based on the percentage.
  21. It's exactly the same as the un-modded BO2 as far as I can tell.
  22. Also note that this calculator only works for 16:9 aspect ratio.
  23. Added all of them now
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