The game just freezes when I try to launch it now, but unless they've updated the scopes, they should be correct.
Your spreadsheet for the Apex Legends scopes is also wrong, the scopes in that game does not scale their FOV like that at all.
You can never assume a 2x scope etc is the same in two different games, there is a lot of ways they can scale.
They can be:
A multiplier of the configured FOV (and the multiplier is not necessarily related to the power of the scope)
A multiplier of a fixed FOV (again, multiplier not necessarily related to the power of the scope)
Be the optical zoom of configured FOV (not necessarily related to the power of the scope)
Be the optical zoom of a fixed FOV (not necessarily related to the power of the scope)
Be a random fixed value assigned by the devs, not related to any FOV or logic