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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Oh, if they've added it now that's great! I'm quite sure it wasn't in the config file before, I'll look into adding it
  2. DPI Wizard


    Games added The First Descendant Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Games updated Dead by Daylight - Added instructions to disable smoothing. Sniper Elite 5 - Fixed the calculator showing no output when the calculation is out of range. Aim Lab - Added config file sensitivity.
  3. Added this with a couple of aims now, more aims incoming!
  4. Added with a couple of aims, more coming soon!
  5. Added with a couple of aims, more coming soon! View full update
  6. Ghostbusters is added!
  7. Just added! View full update
  8. At some point they have enabled smoothing in this game, so you get a lot of negative acceleration with high polling rates. I have updated the game info with instructions on how to disable it, this should solve your problems.
  9. Another game with FPS tied sensitivity unfortunately, and no way of making it stable like in "Innocence". So this one can't be added.
  10. Set the sensitivity in-game for now, since things seem to change a bit between releases I'll wait for the full release to update everything.
  11. Because the game doesn't have a mouse sensitivity option in any config file.
  12. Sadly this game has a lot of smoothing and acceleration that can't be disabled, so it can't be added.
  13. Not quite sure what you mean, Project Delta is already added to Roblox. Unless there's another Project Delta?
  14. Unless they've just added it, this game doesn't have a separate x and y sensitivity. I'm not able to check for a few days.
  15. It will work for some games, so it's worth a try.
  16. Not unless the game has a cursor sensitivity settings, which unfortunately very few has.
  17. Have you disabled smoothing or tried a lower polling rate as per the instructions? With 1000 Hz you will get a lot of negative acceleration.
  18. You can already enter up to six decimals in-game, and they will all be applied. So there's really no need to go through the config file as the in-game setting is accurate enough
  19. I'm out of the office for a few days, will get to adding all these on Monday or Tuesday! Sorry for the delay
  20. Can you please share your conversion and explain what is not the same? Thanks!
  21. Can you please share the specific conversion using the purple share button?
  22. How do you get the different ones? I'll see if I can add them in a few days if they're not to hard to get my hands on.
  23. DPI Wizard


    Game added Steamcore Game updated Roblox - Added Project Delta.
  24. Added now
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