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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard


    Games added Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Saints Row IV Alan Wake Games updated Shatterline - Added a lot of scopes. Roblox - Added Untitled FPS Game.
  2. Just added! View full update
  3. Thanks for the heads-up, I'm on it!
  4. All Monitor Distances do this, but to different points on the monitor. MDH 0% is the same tracking speed, MDV 239% is the same distance to the edge of the 21:9 monitor. So it depends on what you want to achieve. There is no multiplier option because the multipliers are unique for the games the have them, so for the auto function you have to use a standard measurement. Apex is using hdeg 4:3 as a base yes, but the in-game value is not correct other than at 70, and the config file value is a direct multiplier of 70. So both of them are in reality multipliers. Those are correct for achieving MDV 239%. It's a bit easier in MW2 as you can just set the coefficient instead of each scope. As for your old values, I don't know how old they are but there's a bug in Apex when it calculates ADS sensitivity which wasn't reflected in the calculator before, but it is now.
  5. I'm revisiting a lot of previously unsupported games, and this oldie is now supported
  6. The sensitivity maxes out at 79 even though the slider goes to 100. View full update
  7. DPI Wizard

    Saints Row IV

    The sensitivity maxes out at 79 even though the slider goes to 100.
  8. You have entered the wrong resolution, unless you play with the monitor vertical. It should be 3440x1440. Using the same FOV is step one, so you have done that correctly (disregarding the resolution). What the correct conversion is depends on a few factors though, mainly what your current zoom sensitivity is in Apex and whether you want to have the same 360 distance or aim distance for hipfire if you are unable to match the FOV.
  9. It's the same as MW2 2022, I've added it to the name to clarify. I'll check if there's any quirks that makes anything different, but so far it seems the same.
  10. Both the original and remastered versions are added, be sure to enable Direct Input to disable acceleration and smoothing. View full update
  11. DPI Wizard

    Alan Wake

    Both the original and remastered versions are added, be sure to enable Direct Input to disable acceleration and smoothing.
  12. You have done it correctly in your screenshot, but higher scope sensitivities will be out of range so it impossible to achieve it for all of them. Also I'm not sure you actually want this as the scopes will be way to sensitive, making aiming practically impossible because they skip so many pixels.
  13. A bunch of scopes and aims are added now.
  14. Got no problems with higher polling rates here, if there is an issue it's probably hardware or driver related I guess.
  15. This game does not work on most modern systems, so it can't be analyzed and added.
  16. I've tried all possible versions and repacks of this game now, none will run unfortunately, so it can't be added.
  17. What feels slow, hipfire, scopes, everything? Can you share your whole conversion using the purple share button?
  18. You need to fix the resolution. It is auto-detected from your device, but should in most cases default to 1920x1080 when you are using a smartphone. This has not happened in your case so it's wrong, and this affect the field of view and the scope conversions. Enter the correct resolution and it should work better
  19. This looks correct. The Apex sensitivity has changed since it now also reflects the correct values for Jedi's Trick. It doesn't really matter that it doesn't have a monitor distance coefficient, you can achieve the same by setting each scope to a specific value.
  20. Then you select Jedi's Trick:
  21. Correct, that will give you an ADS sensitivity close to 1.
  22. If you select Jedi's Trick in the conversion setup you should get a different sensitivity for all the different aims. For the overlapping ones you need to select which specific scope you want to use.
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