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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. That's just the way the game works, there is no consistency between FOV and sensitivity. Which is why it's so tedious to analyze, but I got the mod working now so I'm gonna try to go through everything
  2. Crysis Warhead and Boundless are added.
  3. DPI Wizard


    Games added Boundless Star Conflict Crysis Warhead Game updated Saints Row: The Third - Slightly adjusted the sensitivity formula.
  4. Since the rounding for the sensitivity changes depending on the value, this game has three different entries to accommodate this. Use the one that gives you the least discrepancy. View full update
  5. DPI Wizard


    Since the rounding for the sensitivity changes depending on the value, this game has three different entries to accommodate this. Use the one that gives you the least discrepancy.
  6. The sensitivity calculation is for the free-camera mode when holding CTRL. Calculation for the first-person ship control is not possible due to how it works. View full update
  7. DPI Wizard

    Star Conflict

    The sensitivity calculation is for the free-camera mode when holding CTRL. Calculation for the first-person ship control is not possible due to how it works.
  8. Just added. View full update
  9. You have to change the conversion setup to match your settings. So you have to use Default mode instead of Simple, and adjust the ADS and scope conversions. I've done it for you here to best match your settings (MDH 100% Scale 80%): https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f9e4d481a069bf5a040236a6705438d4
  10. Yes, it's ridiculously slow when Direct Aiming is on!
  11. This one can't be added due to a lot of packet loss resulting in a very janky input.
  12. Some Roblox games can't be added due to various issues: SCP: Roleplay / Site 006 Roleplay - A lot of packet loss resulting in a very janky mouse input.
  13. I've added the game now, but a calculation is only possible for the free-camera mode when you hold CTRL.
  14. No, you need to know the sensitivity formula to calculate it. Which game?
  15. There has probably been some updates to the sensitivity since it was added. If I can get this to work it would help a lot! I'm downloading now and will analyze everything if it works
  16. Not irrelevant, if the GPU driver can cause such issues it's good to know!
  17. Ok, this is typically what you get in Unreal Engine 4 games with smoothing on and 1000+ Hz. It is completely unrelated to the OS though, and a deliberate (and horrible) function of the game engine. In CSGO with raw input on I have never encountered this though. Have you tried to check the sensitivity with a tool like Kovaak's sensitivity matcher? Although it does not replicate a physical mouse input, it does usually (but not always) stress the OS and game enough to check for inconsistencies.
  18. It's a bit hard to see since you are not sharing the whole conversion setup, but it is most likely since you are converting from different sources and it seems like you are using Jedi's Trick. In the first one the resulting CSGO sensitivity is 1.355467, but in the second one you are using 1.363575. So they will never result in the same sensitivity unless by chance on a non-reversible conversion. You might have adjusted it to get 7.4 for BFV in the output? Jedi's Trick is a conversion method that is non-reversible, the results will not be the same back and forth. All other methods are reversible.
  19. Try this instead, MDH 100% for Desktop/Windows instead of MDV 0%: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ea1ad79d6d1a93fb061fe61914ecafd2
  20. No, the config files are the same as in Vermintide 2, but without the mouse sensitivity option I tried adding it manually, but it didn't do anything. Maybe it will be there for release.
  21. Is it sluggish like there is a delay, or is the 360 distance etc just plain wrong?
  22. For all aims? It is usually not recommended for high power scopes as they will be incredibly sensitive and aiming will be practically impossible since they skip a lot of pixels, as explained in the post directly above your first one You are using the default calculator setup it seems, which is matching the tracking speed between all scopes. You could configure the calculator to match 360 distance like this though (by setting ADS and Scope in the calculator settings to 360 distance): https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=8feb514cde902ca79507a42897b5de67 But I think you'll find the high power scopes too sensitive doing this. For the low zoom scopes it might make sense though.
  23. Darktide is in!
  24. What is your settings, how and what are you testing? Have you tested with a script? What is your expected vs tested distance? Are you sure your mouse driver is not changing your DPI?
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