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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy.
  2. The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. View full update
  3. The location of the sensitivity may vary, just be sure to edit the 4 bytes after "MouseSensitivity." as the picture shows. Just tested it now and it still works
  4. You really have to explain these statements better to me, because: The game has zero knowledge of your DPI (how could it know?). All the game knows is to rotate a set amount of degrees for every count it receives from the mouse. Now there are a couple of games and aim trainers that lets you enter your DPI, but it doesn't affect how they handle sensitivity, it's just to give you the option to view and configure your 360 distance. You keep referring to clean numbers and oddball numbers, but this makes no sense. If you have used the DPI Analyzer you should know that the configured DPI on the sensor is not the true DPI. It's a completely arbitrary number, 800 can for instance in reality be 851.34 or 764.29 (or anything else) depending on the sensor. So you will never get a clean number, 1734 is just as clean as any other DPI. Not that I understand why a "clean" number would make any difference? The only thing that matters is whether the sensitivity is accurate or not at the value you need to set it to. Some games do have issues with very low sensitivity values as they will start to not register single counts etc. But again, this has nothing to do with DPI.
  5. Strange, just tested Opera GX here now and it works fine. Does it work in other browsers for you?
  6. Do you have any script-blocker addon or similar in your browser?
  7. Measurements yes, but it's also well documented. As mentioned, the zoom sensitivity is based on the hipfire sensitivity, so if both of these are converted using MDV 0%, the zoom sensitivity will not change. 0% will always be 0.818933 compared to hipfire.
  8. It's a simple multiplier based on the FOV. So for instance zoomed 1 is 4:3 FOV 40, so with zoom sens 1 you get 90/40=2.25 times the hipfire distance. With zoom sens 0.5 it will be 4.5 times etc.
  9. The scope sensitivity is based off of the hipfire sensitivity, so when the hipfire changes the scope doesn't have to since it is scaled by hipfire.
  10. Sure it can https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=((tan(104.785886+degrees*1%2F2))%2F(tan(106.260205+degrees*1%2F2)))*15.748
  11. You don't have the same FOV in CSGO and Apex, that's why the hipfire is different.
  12. I can explain why it happens, but I need to see exactly what you are referering to, do you have a few examples? Use the purple share button to get a link.
  13. You have do match the conversion setup to your Warzone 2 setting, coefficient 1.78 is MDV 178%, so this should match it perfectly: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=65d198d5e24da3e5e0969386b294acee
  14. Just like you can definitely feel and see the difference between a 120 Hz monitor and a 360 Hz monitor, you can also do it to polling rates. There are a lot of variables though, as for instance what sensitivity you run, DPI, FPS, and how much you move your mouse etc. Some are comfortable with a 2 inch 360 distance, others prefer 50 inches. This makes a huge impact on how fast you move your mouse. Back in the days of 125 Hz we had no comparison, monitors were usually 60 Hz and games rarely ran over 60 FPS (I'm exaggerating here, but you get my point). No one missed 4k when 1080p came, and no one though their Corvette was slow before Tesla came along. For the most part we don't know what we're missing until something better shows up
  15. This isn't related to the monitor refresh rate, but with a low polling rate from the mouse each report will be larger. So with 125 Hz this can result in for instance 125 packets of 8 counts instead of 1000 packets of 1 count with 1000 Hz, so for each report the crosshair will jump 8 times further with 125 Hz resulting in a much more choppy experience.
  16. I'll remove it. It's so annoying that they haven't fixed the smoothing issues yet!
  17. It's just as precise at sensitivity 0.01 as it is at 1. The maths for CSGO is also pretty simple and well known. Say you are using 800 DPI and sensitivity 1. For every inch you move your mouse, 800 counts are sent to the game, which the game interprets as turning: 0.022*1*800=17.6 degrees Now depending on how fast you move your mouse and your polling rate, the amount of packets and their sizes will vary. It might be 800 packets of 1 count or 80 packets of 10 counts. This doesn't matter though, as the end result is the same. Now if we instead use 25600 DPI and sensitivity 0.03125, 25600 counts are sent to the game over 1 inch, and we get: 0.022*0.03125*25600=17.6 degrees Same exact movement, but the packet sizes will be larger. For instance 800 packets of 32 counts or 80 packets of 320 counts. But enough of the theory, let's test it: The crosshair ends up at the exact same spot, and the movement frame-by-frame is identical. There is no inaccuracy or limitation in the math here. Note that this is purely from a sensitivity standpoint, when you mix this with possible issues with 1000 FPS and/or 8000 Hz polling rates you can definitely run into issues. You can manually do it using the calculator on this site, syncing across all games automatically is probably not possible since a lot of games only have their sensitivity setting in-game with no file or registry setting etc. to modify it in. It could probably be done for quite a lot of games though, but it would need to use the calculator in the background as simply dividing a multiplying the sensitivity only works for about half of the games. Definitely, and I think this is the main issue. A lot games do not handle polling rates over 1 kHz very well, and at 2-8 kHz you might also run into a lot of issues if your hardware isn't up to par. Heck, even brand new Unreal Engine 5 games doesn't handle over 250 Hz correctly if the devs haven't disabled smoothing.
  18. Yeah, it doesn't even seem like they know what they are writing about: "While Fortnite properly uses high-precision mouse mathematics -- unfortunately only two digits of sensitivity adjustment is provided, making it hard to transition between DPI settings. This does not scale as well to the 500 Hz refresh rate future with 8000 Hz gaming mice capable of silky-smooth ultra high DPI operation." Fortnite does lack precision in the sensitivity settings, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the supported polling rates... Some games do have issues with high polling rates and high DPI, but the polling rate issues has no connection to the sensitivity settings, and the high DPI issues are usually because the sensitivity doesn't go low enough. If decimal precision is the issue you can (usually) fine-adjust the DPI to make it better.
  19. This is just plain wrong, you can set the sensitivity with more decimals in the console or in the config file. There's no math limitations to using high DPI and it does not feel wonky unless there's some kind of hardware issue on your computer with high DPI.
  20. You are converting from WPS 8 to WPS 10 here, and your setup for black bars is not correct. It should be like this (if you do want to convert between different WPS as well): https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=3067bec4403c3ee5f58bd58ddf8f03a3
  21. 360 distance will stay the same regardless of black bars or stretch for most games. I'm not quite sure what you mean by 16:9 stretch, stretched to 21:9? As for 4:3 black bars or 16:9 native aspect ratio in a game like CSGO, it's exactly the same you just get more rendered image for 16:9 native.
  22. The vertical sensitivity will stay the same, the horizontal will change.
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