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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. This, XFactorAiming was the ADSMouseMultiplierUnit in the old version.
  2. DPI Wizard

    Rising Front

    The sensitivity slider lacks a numerical value, see the game notes for instructions.
  3. The sensitivity slider lacks a numerical value, see the game notes for instructions. View full update
  4. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  5. DPI Wizard

    One-armed cook

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  6. The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy. View full update
  7. DPI Wizard

    Chop Goblins

    The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy.
  8. Since there was no specific power setting in the old version, the ACOG was initially just labelled as 4x since they usually are, then Glaz came along and was mislabeled as 3x. I've fixed this now XFactorAiming is no longer in use, it's still in the config file but not active.
  9. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  10. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  11. Mouse input in this game emulates an analog stick, so it's really bad and not possible to add.
  12. Mouse input in this game emulates an analog stick, so it's really bad and not possible to add.
  13. This game has a ridiculous amount of negative acceleration, so it can't be added.
  14. This game has a ridiculous amount of negative acceleration, so it can't be added.
  15. Sea of Thieves is already in the calculator.
  16. When you use the mod, the ADS no longer zooms in. The camera is just moved a little closer to the character.
  17. Following the UI refresh of the calculator, the DPI Analyzer has gotten the same treatment. The layout is refreshed. The code is updated to more modern standards, should fix compatibility issues with some browsers. You can now measure all axes, left, right up and down! Added a check to window width, so the measurement will be disabled if too narrow. Added translations for all languages. Lots of minor bug fixes.
  18. Added support for this now as a special option!
  19. As soon as I have access to the game. Unless there's any major changes it shouldn't take more than 0,5-1 hour.
  20. I found the bug causing this, it should work now.
  21. Ok, in that case the calculation look good, what might be throwing you off the stretched resolution, as the horizontal sensitivity will be different unless you switch to MDH 0% instead. This will not impact your Valorant sensitivity, only CSGO.
  22. The conversion you are using is MDV 0%, so it uses the vertical FOV for the calculations. For CSGO this FOV stays the same regardless of resolution or aspect ratio, that's why it doesn't change. Is the calculated ADS and scope sensitivity for Valorant in that output the same as what you actually use in the game?
  23. Can you please share your exact conversion using the purple share button?
  24. A script is 100% accurate, it reproduces the same movement every time. I also have an emulated USB mouse that does the same. If the sensitivity changes, the script will obviously show it. It's impossible for it to reproduce the same result if the sensitivity is changed. That would make no sense. By hand you are hard pressed to detect an obvious difference of less than 1%, I'm not exactly sure what you mean here? 56 for targeting can be for instance 72.0037 cm 360 distance, and with the same hipfire sensitivity this means that 55.456 is 72.71 cm 360 distance. I don't think a 7 mm difference is very obvious to test by hand, but it's actually pretty easy with scripts. Changing the GamepadLookAcceleration values has absolutely no impact on mouse sensitivity. Smoothing and acceleration is already disabled in this game, adding those lines does nothing. Actually, changing anything in the file is pointless, the game doesn't read from it. If you want an obvious test, set the hipfire sensitivity to 0.1 in-game. It's really slow. Exit the game, change the MouseLookSensitivity to 10, save the file and set it to read only. Start the game, is the sensitivity really fast now? No, not here at least
  25. I'm testing this with scripts, so it's 100% accurate. The difference between say 56 and 55.456 would be less than 1% in 360 distance, so you pretty much have to use a script to test it. And I've tried exactly what you say, but the actual sensitivity does not change unfortunately.
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