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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Hipfire and scope sensitivity added for both in-game and config file. View full update
  2. DPI Wizard

    Farlight 84

    Hipfire and scope sensitivity added for both in-game and config file.
  3. 110 is the maximum in-game, so switch location from Config File to In-game. There's also a difference in FOV Type, so it's very important that you select the correct location for the calculations to be correct.
  4. Not always correct, this depends on the game. You have to double the 360 distance, but this doesn't necessarily mean halving the sensitivity. You have to use the calculator to figure out the correct sensitivity when changing DPI.
  5. See the "Actual VFOV" in the output, this is what you should use for BF2042; 92.34647.
  6. Since the FOV setting is non-numerical in this game, select the correct FOV setting in the special option. View full update
  7. Since the FOV setting is non-numerical in this game, select the correct FOV setting in the special option.
  8. It should work now. This happened because the aims were out of range, and the calculations resulted in a division by zero.
  9. Look up the gun you want to calculate for here, and divide the zoom by 10. So for your gun it's 1.2. Then select the aim called "Custom Zoom Ratio", and enter the zoom factor in the Sensitivity 2 field like in this example:
  10. The FOV Type is related to what the game uses, not your actual aspect ratio. If you want to enter a specific FOV for your 32:9 aspect ratio, just make sure the resolution is correct and select Hdeg Res. The output will show you what FOV to actually configure to get this FOV, and tell you if it's out of range for the game.
  11. You can't set the sensitivity to 4.07 in-game, so the calculation is basing the ADS sensitivity on a sensitivity of 4. If you switch to Advanced mode you will see that the 360 distances are as close as they can be within the confines of the amount of decimal places available. Also note that the ADS sensitivity in this game scales logarithmically. Here's a direct conversion between the two hipfire sensitivities: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=3e4c3ddbdfd0837ece7d3f1f0a19ce74
  12. I'm not exactly sure what you are doing to see this, but note that when you are converting to Cyberpunk and switch between in-game and config file, the in-game main look/hipfire sensitivity does not support any decimals. So it will likely have a quite big inaccuracy. The aim sensitivity will compensate for this inaccuracy as best it can with the two decimals supported for it, to get the sensitivity as close to the target as possible.
  13. Correct, and this is why there's a split between ADS and scope in the conversion setup. So you can do exactly this; keep the same 360 distance for ADS (which is usually anything below 2X, but depending on the game it might vary), and use tracking speed or flick distance etc for the scopes. It's unlocked because you can use it to convert the FOV. Say you want 74 vertical degrees for all your games, then you can simply select Vdeg and enter 74 as the value, and the output will show you the correct config FOV value to configure to get exactly this. Also, the FOV value will be automatically converted to the FOV type you select. So if you for instance want to know what the 4:3 horizontal FOV the 1.442857 multiplier in Apex is, simply select Hdeg 4:3 and the value will update. Which is why the output doesn't update, because the effective FOV is the same. In your link though you are using Hdeg 16:9 and 101, this will not result in the same output as 1.442857 multiplier or 101 Hdeg 4:3. Correct, and this is the case for many games that share the same sensitivity for different aims. Right, and to get the most accurate result, use 177.7778%.
  14. That looks like a Microsoft Store path, do you have it in the Xbox app? They are sometimes using different paths than Steam/Epic, so I can add it.
  15. Can you share your calculator setup? 1.33 means setting the ADS and scope conversions to MDV 133%. It's explained in the instructions. These values assume an actual 4:3 hdeg FOV of 101, or like your cl_fovScale "1.442857", and is the same as this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=cf7f8ef9e7490e6938c263166c7755d8. Apex has a bug where the actual 4:3 FOV is rounded to the nearest whole number before calculating the scope sensitivity. It doesn't affect you since you are using exactly 101, but if you were using say 101.5 instead, then 102 would be used by the game for calculating the scope sensitivity. The calculator replicates this bug
  16. DPI Wizard


    Games added TimeShift Booty Blastin' Games updated Dead Island 2 - Added even more weapons.
  17. No, it does not scale as it should as far as I can tell, because the FOV of the scopes are wrong. I tested with a scope that is supposed to be 4x, and the sensitivity (360 distance) scales correctly if the FOV of the scope had been 1/4 of the configured FOV, but since it in reality is quite a bit higher, the scaling is completely off.
  18. This game as a huge amount of packet loss (i.e. negative acceleration), so it can't be added. This is identical to NecroVisioN, so I've just added it to the game name. This is added. I can't get this one to run, even with legacy Physx driver etc it crashes when I click "new game".
  19. The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy. View full update
  20. DPI Wizard


    The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy.
  21. The vertical multiplier is not calculated based on the sensitivity value, but the actual 360 distance. Since the vertical sensitivity in this game is a direct multiplier, it's not affected by the actual sensitivity at all. For instance, vertical sensitivity 2 will always mean twice as fast as the horizontal sensitivity, regardless of the actual horizontal sensitivity value
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