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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. In this conversion you are calculating the multiplier which is shared between all ADS sensitivities. While this gives you increased accuracy when converting to a specific aim, you can't use this when converting sensitivity to multiple aims. So instead you should do like this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=0c3c5768bc91ad28144758b35779d000
  2. That's because there is no config file to set the sensitivity in for the game. The calculations are correct, but be sure to select the correct FOV Constraint and that Mouse Smoothing is off.
  3. That's the config file, you need to select in-game as location:
  4. That's already the range for the in-game sensitivity.
  5. The sensitivity is the product of both of sensitivity values, MouseYawSensitivity and MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit. For MouseYawSensitivity the default value of 50 is automatically filled in, and the MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit is calculated based on this. You can change MouseYawSensitivity to basically anything else as long as it is in range, but in most cases 50 is good enough. You can see the valid range for both values in the game info section.
  6. Can you link what you have tried (using the purple share button)? Feel is a subjective term though, do it doesn't really help that much. Is what you have tried too fast or too slow for instance?
  7. All these Dooms are added.
  8. DPI Wizard


    Games added Nugget Doom International Doom DSDA-Doom
  9. DPI Wizard

    Nugget Doom

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration.
  10. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration. View full update
  11. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration. View full update
  12. DPI Wizard


    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration.
  13. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration.
  14. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable acceleration. View full update
  15. They're all explained an even demoed in the instructions: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forums/topic/6396-instructions/#conversionmethods
  16. You should never compare the zoom powers between games. In most cases there is absolutely nothing similar between them, it's just an arbitrary number slapped onto an aim by the devs. The only thing you should be paying attention to is the scope's real FOV, which you can see in the output of the calculator. Either way though, you can use the calculator to replicate the scope scaling from i.e. Apex to other games. Just share an entry with your Apex settings and I can help you. Or if you don't know, just share all your config file settings, and I can set it up for you.
  17. Then you have to set the ADS and Scope conversions to 360 distance, but know that this will make aiming extremely hard at higher zoom levels as the crosshair will skip several pixels, and a lot of games does not even support a sensitivity this high for the scopes. You are not preserving any kind of aim consistency doing this, you are only conserving the consistency of turning an amount of degrees, say turning 180 degrees to look behind you (which you generally don't do with a 12x scope etc).
  18. "Same sens" is a relative term, you can only match one aspect of the sensitivity so it depends on what you want to achieve. If you want the scope sensitivity to scale the same way as CSGO does it by default (i.e. with zoom sens set to 1), you should set the ADS and Scope conversions to MDV 133.3333%. You should also set the FOV in R6 as close to CSGO as possible, which means 73.739795. This way the hipfire will be identical, and the scopes will scale exactly like they do in CSGO.
  19. See the instructions, they should cover most of your questions. Language can be changed by scrolling to the bottom of the page
  20. This is because the conversion setup for AND and Scope is (likely) set to MDV 0%, which is the same scaling as the game uses itself. To get other results you need to change the conversion setup to something else.
  21. The FOV settings for this game is updated now, thanks for reporting!
  22. DPI Wizard


    Games added Escape the Backrooms Silica Cryostasis Game updated SCP: 5K - Renamed from SCP: Pandemic and updated ADS sensitivity. No More Room in Hell - Added adjustable FOV.
  23. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  24. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
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