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RipGroove last won the day on February 8 2018

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  1. EDIT/ Just realised I had 'ADS Field Of View' turned OFF in game, I've switched it back on now, could that have been my problem? EDIT/2 I think that was deffo my issue, first game after enabling it and I got 30+ sniper kills, most of which were headshots. Something feels off for me, my muscle memory is locked in in BFV and just feels weird and of fin 2042, here's my settings: Am I missing something?
  2. I was a die hard BF3 fan (I was an admin for the pretty well know BIA Brothers In Arms Clan), after that the BF games became less and less hardcore and very soft. I played some BF4 out of boredom but it was never as crisp and satisfying as BF3 or BFBC2 etc. I've only played a little BF1 again out of boredom plus it was super cheap. According to this Jack Frags video BFV brings back some of the feeling of BF3 which should be good. That said though SQUAD is on the verge of a decent update (in fact I think it's just dropped) so I need to spend a load of time there too! First World problems eh?
  3. I know exactly what you mean with PUBG! As far as I can see we have to keep checking that download link in the CDKEYS invoice email and at some point near release your Origin code will show up there. I've used CDKEYS in the past but never for a pre order.
  4. I've just pre ordered the standard version of BFV (not interested in Deluxe as I really don't care about cosmetics) from CDKEYS.com for just £36.99. I stopped playing Battlefield after BF4 but recently picked up BF1 Deluxe or Premium or whatever it's called now for just £10.00 on eBay and I'm actually enjoying the multiplayer so figured I'd give BFV a go now too. I generally play SQUAD as my main FPS game but after I've played nearly 900hrs of Early Access I'm giving it a rest until the next big update so BFV (and some occasional PUBG) should keep me busy for while with regards to FPS games.
  5. So what exactly is the 'cm mouse movement'?
  6. I guess for muscle memory this is what I should be focusing on for all scopes and games?
  7. Thanks. I need to stick with Squad as the input then to keep muscle memory I guess. I'll have a play around in the training mode again and see what feels right.
  8. I'm so confused, I thought I based my calculations on what you showed me below but I forgot to set 'Conversion Setup" properly: But after correcting I still get different results when I convert a Squad hipfire of 35cm/360° to PUBG: Conversion: Just PUBG: Obviously I'm missing the concept as one method gives me sens of 32 for all scopes and the other method gives me a sens of 32 for "General" and 36 for everything else.
  9. As I have a 21:9 monitor should I be doing anything different in the calculator to compensate for that and give me my true cm/360° distance? Currently my calculation looks like this: TPP FPP I've not physically measured my cm/360° yet but it does feel a bit fast with the above settings. Oh and are you able to explain why my sensitivity values are different to the above if I leave Squad off the calculator and just try to calculate a 35cm/360° for PUBG?
  10. You are a legend mate, I just tried those suggested settings and it pretty much just feels like I'm playing Squad! Iron sight seems a little fast but its close enough (I have my aim to always be ADS, so even in TPP when I aim it goes to FPP so maybe I need to use FPP on the calc?). With those settings and the Training Mode server I can FINALLY get everything set up and start practicing properly! Again, thank you.
  11. Thanks very much, so that's it? So PUBG has a kind of built in uniform soldier aiming function as well then if all sensitivities are set the same? FYI I assume you know I don't want the same 360 distance for every scope. What exactly is the scaling factor for these two games then? Understanding that might help me out a bit.
  12. Why do I find this game so damn hard to set up the sensitivities?! I stopped playing it because of this and I've been waiting for a Training Mode (which I'm told is now on the Test Server) so I can set up all those sensitivities without being shot in the face. I'm just downloading the Test Server BUT looking at the Calculator I'm as confused as ever now... PUBG Menu now has the following: VERTICAL SENSITIVITY MULTIPLIER (What is that?) GENERAL SENSITIVITY TARGETING SENSITIVITY IRON SIGHT SENSITIVITY SCOPING SENSITIVITY And also has custom sensitivities you can now switch on and off: 2X SENSITIVITY 3X SENSITIVITY 4X SENSITIVITY 6X SENSITIVITY 8X SENSITIVITY 15X SENSITIVITY All I want is for PUBG to feel like SQUAD and I'll be super happy. But I can't figure out how to do it? This is how I have SQUAD set up in game: DPI = 1000 Hipfire Sensitivity = 0.15 Which gives me a 35cm 360° distance and I don't use custom sensitivities in SQUAD so my various scoped sensitivities are as the SQUAD devs intended and they feel perfect and natural for me (I guess it is something like Battlefields Uniform Soldier Aiming) on my 3440x1440 34" Monitor How do I make PUBG feel the same so my muscle memory matches SQUAD? I assume I first have to get PUBG's hipfire 360°/cm distance the same like so: Then what? How do I know what calculations SQUAD used to make scopes feel the way they do and how do I apply that to PUBG? PUBG in game menu sensitivities seems different from the calculator, for example PUBG has GENERAL SENSITIVITY, TARGETING SENSITIVITY, IRON SIGHT SENSITIVITY, SCOPING SENSITIVITY but the calculator does not have these options? Why on Earth have they mad PUBG so hard to get setup correctly? If I can't get it sorted I'm just going to give up and uninstall it I hate PUBG right now literally just because I can't figure it out.
  13. Yes that is probably the solution then, I'll dig out my old G500 and install the software when I can be bothered.
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