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Everything posted by Khillasaurus

  1. 2 of my friends had issues with it, 2 did not. It might be something to do with different machine configurations. Good to hear it's working for you! (no sarcasm)
  2. Any ideas on how to fix the "stuck scrolling / looking down" issue? I do not have a controller plugged in, and have disabled origin in-game overlay, as per other reddit suggestions. Quite a few of us are having this issue. Times when this issue occurs: - character is stuck looking at their feet - changing crosshair colour in settings results in permanently scrolling down It feels like the game thinks I have a controller plugged in with the joystick held down, but I have made sure that it is only my mouse and keyboard plugged in at the moment. Edit: FIX FOUND! (2021.11.12) The VAST majority of games seem to be able to handle vJoy running without controller plugged in, but BF2042 does not. This fix from Dragon's Dogma worked for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/416rxf/psa_camera_facing_up_disable_vjoy/ Reasoning: Even though no controller is plugged in, BF2042 pulls from "all" inputs at the same time, and assumes that a controller is plugged in even when it is not. Above post steps copied here so you do not have to use the link if you do not want: 1) Open Device Manager 2) In the right pane, expand Human Interface Devices 3) Look for vJoy Device. Right-click and disable Note: Enjoy and re-enable vJoy for when you need it for other games.
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