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  1. Interesting! What absolutely tilted me was that the one night it started being so delayed and it didn't want to go away. I quit the game, joined back in and still there. I rebooted my PC, joined back in and still there. Just left and came back the next day. But I won't be having any more issues with BF2042. Fixed all the 2042 performance issues by uninstalling
  2. I've encountered delayed mouse movement a couple of times already in 2042. Felt like almost a second of input lag. Something is very off with this game's mouse input at times. I encountered this a couple of times already where my mouse had extremely high input lag when moving, although button inputs were fine. Only movement was delayed. Especially weird in this instance was that the mouse felt like a controller where it accelerates up to a max velocity and stays there. It happened live on stream and so fortunately I was my handcam along with the game footage. You can see it just suddenly going away and mouse movement was back in sync towards the end. Then we got this issue as well where getting onto a quad bike and getting off broke the Y-axis. No matter the mouse input, it would only move the x-axis
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