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  1. this is my setting now.Is it OK?
  2. thank you for asking i use 4:3 stretched in CSGO . if i play 16:9 in other games (like apex cod) , which is better ?MDH100% MDH0% MDV133% ?
  3. what about 4:3 to 16:9? 133% or 75% ?
  4. thank you
  5. i play csgo in 4:3 stretched 1.1 Sens and 1 zoom sens if i change to 16:9 which one is right? mdh0% or mdh100% i want get the same feels in Horizontal speed . thank you @DPI Wizard
  6. So which one should i chose? MDH0% or mdv0%? i play csgo with 4:3(1440x1080) and play call of duty with 16:9(1920)
  7. OH ,Thanks.
  8. Useing 100%MDH to conversion ADS/SCOPE or still 0% ,Which is better? Apologize for my bad English
  9. 兄弟你还在么 为什么我选择这个ALL的时候 我的狙击开镜灵敏度是0.81? 我应该是1才对啊?这样有影响么?
  10. Thank you . but Horizontal or Vertical ? Which one is better?
  11. 兄弟 我不太理解 Monitor Distance 和 VIEWSPPD的区别了。新版本四个真的晕。horizontal现在是改变纵横比的情况下使用么?
  12. What is the difference between Monitor Distance Horizontal / Vertical and viewspeed Horizontal / Vertical ? And, what circumstances should I choose which one?
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