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Everything posted by poppe

  1. Holy shit the config.ini is beautiful. You can set monitor distance ADS ingame btw.
  2. It just looks like it doesn’t. Tried it a couple of days ago with all decimals ingame, pressed enter and then checked the config. Got all the decimals.
  3. Should just combine the config file 1 and 2 method and put the config file 2 value for the ingame method.
  4. Anyone else's 3X sensitivity really really slow while only using the config file 1 method?
  5. Just delete the Turn and LookUp value you added to your config and start the game. You'll get these lines added to your config and X and Y have to be set to the same for 1:1 sensitivity.
  6. Has something changed with mouse movement since patch #14? (sensitivity) https://reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/8nzc11/has_something_changed_with_mouse_movement_since/
  7. Probably the closest we can get to 1:1 x/y sensitivity thanks to Altimor who also made the config editor. Guide/explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8i4g2v/release_clientsettingssav_editor/dzj17oc/ https://i.imgur.com/pRKYCb8.png Also, does this affect calculated ADS/Zoom sensitivity?
  8. Oh wow, never noticed the resolution fields. Nevermind then.
  9. I have a monitor set up vertically in 1080x1920 that I mainly use for browsing. I often come here for different games but the calculator bugs out when it's started in this resolution giving me "Calculated sensitivity too high". Fortnite is just an example, happens in every game where I want to calculate ADS sensitivity etc and I have to put something in the "Sensitivity 1" box. Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/AvmW8rZ Same exact inputs but it's not working in 1080x1920. I use Firefox, same result in Edge.
  10. Are vehicles just forgotten?
  11. AWP please.
  12. Could you add Widow zoom sensitivity that is equal to zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" in CS:GO?
  13. http://www.themeangreens.com/ ASAP when it releases on tuesday please!
  14. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide?
  15. Better uninstall sourceGL then and see if people get VAC banned before using it again?
  16. Unreal Tournament FOV still not fixed
  17. You guys should try with m_mousespeed 0 and 1. Since most people feel a big difference with this on and off when playing without rawinput.
  18. Ah, didn't know it was called "4". ​ Sad it's only default FOV. You're probably not gonna fix that until it's actually alpha or something?
  19. Unreal Tournament? Pre-Alpha now, completely free to download.
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