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Everything posted by owca6666

  1. The game supports up to 110 FoV, but when i set 90 fov in calculator it gives me an error.
  2. Youre a god, now i understand and you just made my settings for me i guess thank you !
  3. ok ill set defaults in siege and see how it goes.
  4. Tried what you suggested, used viewspeed v1 and v2 and now my hipfire in siege is like i have mouse sensitivity at 1000 can do multiple 360's in one inch of movement. Used exactly same settings as before.
  5. OMG i didnt notice that at first now i feel like an idiot... Could you tell me wich one will be better to use ? viewspeed v1-2 or 360 distance ?
  6. So im trying to convert bf4 sens into rainbow six siege but when i input all the data that i know of it keeps saying fix input. here are screenshots of cfg files for both games : https://imgur.com/a/UVj2A BF4 settings in game : 25 centimeters to do 180 turn fov 70 4% soldier sens uniform aiming on using only kobras on all weapons. current r6s fov 90 mouse sens : 4 vertical and horizontal ADS : 60I
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