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Everything posted by Famatic

  1. Which one should I use? I mean viewspeed in CS feels a bit fast. I tried to convert my Overwatch sensitivity first to CS with viewspeed V2, but it felt a bit fast. Then I tried desktop to CS since I use 400 DPI. Viewspeed gave me a value of 2.89 and 360 distance gave me value of 2.51 . Just wonder which of these is more accurate. I'm aware that it's most likely not recommended to 360 from game to game as they use different fov's so viewspeed would be better in that case. What about Desktop to games though?
  2. Basically anything above 4 in-game sensitivity causes pixel skipping/jittering or so I've heard. As to why it feels easier to aim at lower resolutions is because less pixels. adreN who plays for Mythic said that he uses 1024x768 cause it feels "raw" compared to something like 1600x900 or 1920x1080 . I play on 1024x768 stretched cause I like the game feeling fast paced and everything seem to be much closer to you ( I have a bad eye sight might be also a reason why) also I play on 1600 DPI and 0.56 in-game sensitivity. Never really had a problem of pixel skipping or jitter. Also the tool that Drimzi posted.. basically if you have a value exactly 4 or below you won't experience pixel skipping. I don't know in how many games this applies... but as far as I remember this rule applies to Overwatch and CS:GO .
  3. If I just use desktop mode to any game does this mess with muscle memory much.. or am I better just picking my main game for desktop sensitivity and then using that 360 in other games?
  4. Hello. So I wanted my games sensitivity be same as what I use on desktop. The default Match at value is 50% .. so I changed my csgo sensitivity yesterday to match the desktop at 400 DPI and got as an result 2,51.. and today when I tried it, it gave me 3,19 ? And it seems if I tried to change to another game from the drop menu ... example to Overwatch it would give me 8.39 which then I tried to convert that 8.39 Overwatch sensitivity to CSGO and got 2.517 . (both FoV settings were at 90 and monitor size set to 24) I'm a bit confused here. Don't know is the 50% supposed to be your desktop sensitivity or 100% ? I know if I change that 50% to 100% for csgo.. that 3.19 changes to 2.51 . And sometimes the calculator would bug out saying that 400 DPI at 50% match at for Overwatch is 10.15 . Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated
  5. I see, I see. It does make sense. Thank you very much for the clarification.
  6. Hello. So I was testing this desktop mode to compare some DPI's to CS:GO. However it gives the exact same numbers on both DPI's, which is really weird in my opinion. So I tried 400 DPI and it gives me sensitivity "2.51563" 360° rotation: 16.262 inches Then at 800 DPI it gives me Sensitivity: sensitivity "2.51563" 360° rotation: 8.131 inches It seems to give same sensitivity, only the 360 changes. I'm very positive that can't be right. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
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