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  1. Hello, the output I am getting is 1 which is already the games default. I'd like to know what it is I'm doing wrong here. Thank you!
  2. So what you're saying is that things are working as intended? If so then thanks for the help!
  3. I assumed that I needed my sensitivity to be the same across all aiming types in all games. Is this wrong? How could I possibly play better if the sens is different when I'm scoped in?
  4. 360 distance is not the same across the different aiming types. ADS and scoped aim are clearly slower than the default. There has to be something I'm doing wrong here..
  5. The ADS on the winfield seems to be a slower than the default aiming, and the same goes for scoped with a winfield. The ADS on a pistol is also slower than default aiming. Am I suppose to mess with the aim down sights multiplier setting?
  6. For some reason the sensitivities don't match up with the default sense that is being converted from Overwatch. The default seems to be on point with the sens I have in Overwatch, but the rest are slower than the default. Am I doing something wrong here?
  7. Hello, I've used the calculator to try and get the same mouse sensitivity on Ashe and Widowmaker while zoomed in, but the calculator seems to give me a sensitivity that feels faster than the hipfire sensitivity. I've set my relative aim to 100 and it just doesn't feel the same. Am I doing something wrong? He's a screenshot.
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