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  1. Is it possible to add System Shock: Enahnced Edition? The source port got updated several months ago that allowed for full mouse look capabilities.
  2. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  3. Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter https://store.steampowered.com/app/405820/Turok/ Turok 2: Seeds of Evil https://store.steampowered.com/app/405830/Turok_2_Seeds_of_Evil/
  4. Turok http://store.steampowered.com/app/405820/Turok/
  5. After trying Notepad++ I am still having problems. I edited the sensitivity to 0.7425, but when I changed it back to 0.7 it worked fine. I think it should be noted I am using the twitch version of SuperHot and not the Steam version, not sure if that is contributing to the problem.
  6. I was just using regular Notepad I will try Notepad++ to see if it makes a difference.
  7. After editing the sens in the super.hot file the game either resets the config file and saves it %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\SUPERHOT_Team as SUPERHOTsuper-broken.hot or launches with a black screen with the fix being to delete my edited config.
  8. I could have sworn I saw it on the calulator before, but after I got for free from twitch I couldn't find it. I guess +1 for SuperHot
  9. +1 for Amid Evil
  10. I have not played Minecraft in 4 years, and when I went back to see what had changed, I input my sens from CS:GO, calculated on this site, and noticed it felt a little funky. I did a quick test to see how far my mouse moved for a 360 physically and found it to be about 50% off from what it was calculated to be. I think there is a problem with this particular game and its calculations.
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