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  1. Thank you very much
  2. My mouse sensitivity in Paladins is 2.0 and my FOV is set to 120. I want to get the exact same sensitivity and FOV in Aim Hero respecting my change to the FOV from default (100) to 120 in Paladins. In previous answers I've read that the Aim Hero FOV is vdeg, in contrast to paladins' FOV which is hdeg res. So I changed the FOV for Aim Hero to hdeg and entered 120. According to the conversion I have to set my Aim Hero FOV to 88.51 vdeg to match both FOVs. But still the calculator tells me to set my sensivity to 2.4 instead of 2.0. What am I doing wrong? I've attached a picture to make it more clear what I have put into the boxes.
  3. Any ideas on what could be the reason for this discrepancy?
  4. My mousepad is 45 cm wide. When i move my mouse from left to right the sensor moves about 39 cm. With the sensivity 2.68 I'm doing a 360° this way in Aim Hero but with 0.025 in Paragon only about 270° (roughly). Also I feel that the mouse sensivity in Aim Hero is higher compared to Paragon with those values.
  5. I think that the informations about Paragon need to be updated. The calculated 360° distance is a lot off from the real in-game 360° distance. Is there a chance to re-check this?
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