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Everything posted by Althir81

  1. hey guys, i'm a bit confused what is the best way to max 1x scope Apex to AR/Reflex on Warzone?! Same FOV in both games (without ads ofc) regards Althir
  2. i've just seen that on the new version of the apex calculator, that they are differences between the fov with mouse-settings.com... perhaps did they changed something u didnt noticed @DPI Wizard https://jscalc.io/calc/Q1gf45VCY4tmm2dq#{"1":1.55,"2":2,"3":1,"4":2560,"5":1440,"6":500,"7":false,"8":null,"11":false,"12":"4ML3","13":90,"14":true}
  3. and ADS need to be stay at 0% MDH ?
  4. perhaps a bit offtopic, but his settings on the "right" are feeling great...
  5. awesome respawn xD, i'll write something on reddit for this
  6. even if u picked up the kraber and try the 5x and 10x zoom?
  7. did the new setting also affect the ironsight ads!? for each "category" or?!
  8. Hey, is there a way to the same mousefeeling for different fov?! like 110 in apex to max 103 Overwatch. The same 360 distance is the same, but it feels different because the fov. regards
  9. k, that is what i already know, but for what is MDV with a value of 177.78 ?! is there a way to get the tracking movement exactly to the hipfire?!
  10. which is the optimal Conversion setup to get flickshots matching the hipfire with 1x scops?! i'm confused... ADS 360° feels, like it should, much to fast.... what it is about MDV 177.78 ?! regards Althir
  11. okay, then "1.096927" should be my value instead of this "1.067524"
  12. @DPI Wizard thanks alot! so i'm fine with these now?! xD or should i just use 360° Distance for ADS and Scope...
  13. Thx, yeah that ofc... But are my settings to match the 1x scope with my hipfire correct? first picture?
  14. why not if the movement on 1x scope is the same? but are my settings in the first picture correct?
  15. Hey, and would this be perfect to train 1x Scope at aiming.pro ?! A
  16. Hey Community, would that be the best setting for me, if i only train my hipfire in different aimtrainers and want to be the mousemovement exact the same on hipfire and 1x in apex?! Or did i get something wrong with ADS Monitor Distance and so on?! Or should i use 360°Distance for the conversion setup ads/scope !? regards
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