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Everything posted by b4z

  1. Could someone tell me... What is the correct method using the calculator to convert 1280×960 [Stretched] to 1920x1080 ? Thank you.
  2. @DPI Wizard Please can we have 3x and 6x added to the calculator Thank you
  3. Which method of conversion provides the most "natural" transition between 1st Person Hipfire / Scoping / Scope 2x / Scope 4x / Scope 8x etc.? I guess by "natural" i mean the sensitivity scales (for that 1:1 feeling) relative to each respective FOV change (100/70/44.44/20/11.03/6.67) So the muscle memory of Hipfire scales seamlessly through the scopes. I made a chart to show the differences visually:
  4. Does the calculator account for stretched? And if so how do you specify that? I would like to convert my 1440x1080 [4:3 Stretched] sensitivity to 1920x1080 [16:9 Native] Thanks
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