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Everything posted by kelvinator

  1. I didn't think of it from that perspective. Thank you for that!
  2. Do you use 0% match for hipfire as well even though the cm/360 can change by a decent amount when the FOV changes drastically or do you try to maintain a specific cm/360 for hipfire and 0% for everything else?
  3. That makes sense. When FOV's are far apart in hipfire you use 360 distance even when not in 3rd person perspective it sounds like? I can see the benefit of that. Downside is though that it would kinda mess with your muscle memory compared to using 0% in all cases.
  4. Oh interesting. Everyone so far has been telling me to use 0% monitor distance for everything. I actually really only play PUBG in FPP so technically 35cm/360 in OW is low 40's for FPP. low 50s for TPP.
  5. I am debating moving from 30 to 35 cm/360 but am a bit worried about how large the cm/360 will be in games with lower FOV now that I am trying the 0% monitor match. PUBG would be 50 something cm/360 if I switch my OW cm/360 to 35. With 41cm/360 have you had any trouble in lower FOV games assuming you are using 0% monitor match?
  6. I have a G Pro Wireless. It's pretty nice. Feel like it might be just a tad small for palm grip for me though.
  7. Ohh interesting. I usually just leave that option alone tbh haha. I tried it out and I see what you are saying that setting it to Hdeg 4:3 and entering 90 gives you an HFOV of 106.26 degrees. I moved my BF HFOV to match my OW one at 103 since you can't change OW. Should I change the BF ones back to 106.26? 106.26 is what CSGO uses right?
  8. I was doing 25cm/360 for a while when I first got more competitive and now have been doing 30cm/360 for awhile now. it feels pretty good overall. I do wonder if I may be better with something like 35 cm/360 though. I am more of a palm griper/relaxed claw and I also get pretty emotionally invested in a game so my adrenaline gets going a lot which makes it tough sometimes not to overshoot and things like that so I have wondered if for me personally increasing my cm/360 would help compensate for my inability to remain calm in intense situations.
  9. I am a member over on the mouse subreddits and I find it interesting and sometimes amusing how obsessed people get over mice and tbh even sens stuff on this website. Everyone want's to be good like shroud. I mean I do and I care about mice and sens and stuff like everyone else on here but ultimately you are right. These people are so good because they play any given game for thousands of hours consistently. I am sure any of us would get really good at any game if we played every day for 8 hours a day consistently for a long time. Obviously they may have some genetics or strengths that elevate them to the elite level but throw any determined person into a game for 8 hours a day all the time and they will get quite good.
  10. Ohhh that makes sense! So he is saying from his perspective I should try to go for 106.26 FOV @16:9 if I can for games? Basically a 90 FOV on a 4:3 aspect ratio gets stretched to 106.26 for a 16:9 aspect ratio?
  11. Hmm my monitor is 16:9 though. I feel like I am missing something... haha Oh cool! I played the blackout beta a bunch the other weekend. It was fun! Haven't played COD in years though haha.
  12. Nice! I switched to 0% last night for BF1 and BF4. I played some BF1 and it seemed like I was hitting my shots a tad better than usual in ADS. Maybe not as good with a scope though. That said I had my FOV for both BF games set to 74 vertical and lowered them enough to match the 103HFOV that I use in OW so there wasn't a big transition I guess. I think I will notice the changes more with games like PUBG or Destiny 2 where the FOV is like 80-90 HFOV. I did increase the HFOV in Destiny to the max which isn't far off from 103 HFOV but I am not sure I really like that high of an FOV for Destiny. Would like to get about the same FOV across all my games if possible but some games it doesn't seem realistic or ideal. PUBG for example I think is better with the regular FOV as wackjacky has stated because it allows you to more easily see enemies further away and increasing the FOV gives like a 10% performance it. At least when he released his video on it. By the way, what is COD promod?
  13. I am curious after all this discussion and reading I did yesterday. Does anyone who was using viewspeed v1 or v2 or horizontal monitor match at 75% or 56.25% that switched to 0% notice an improvement in their performance and aim or is it something that people readjust to over time and over time their aim gets better?
  14. Cool. I am going to give 0% monitor match a shot! Haha I guess it is a headache to enter each multiplier. I don't mind though. copy and paste is pretty quick...maybe I just have too much time haha Do you have a post you can point me to that explains how to convert from the desktop?
  15. That makes sense! I guess what I meant by "is 103 FOV in OW the same as 103 in BF games or Destiny or PUBG" is if I match the actual HFOV of two different games will it be the same or does it depend on the way the game is created? It sounds like the answer is yes they are the same.
  16. See comments inline^
  17. Okay that makes sense. Since I am converting everything from OW I will probably try to get my FOV for other games close to that. I already had my BF4 and BF1 FOV similar. I guess for more competitive games I should go for a similar FOV but with a game like Destiny 2 it may not matter as much. In your opinion, is there any downside to changing the FOV's of some of these games. I see no real downside by having the BF games at about 103HFOV and that is the default for OW. But games like Destiny 2 and PUBG have a much lower default FOV. Destiny 2 having an HFOV of 81.6 and PUBG having an HFOV of 80. Obviously the higher the FOV you go the lower the FPS you will get. But are the games like designed to be played at the FOV that is set by the company or is 103 FOV in OW the same as 103 in BF games or Destiny or PUBG? OR is it really dependent on the particular game and whether or not the targets themselves are big enough or you have enough awareness? Also thanks again for the replies! I spent most of my day at work reading through a bunch of forum posts so I definitely feel I have a much better understanding of things in general now.
  18. Understood thanks. I take it that it is ideal though to have the FOV in all your games closer than farther apart and not to have an FOV that is really high or really low? Wow 100cm/360!? Were you just playing CSGO? I feel like my shoulder and arm would fatigue so quickly like that. I saw Drimzi saying he recommended viewspeed v2 but that was in the spring and now it looks like he is recommending 0% monitor match distance. I see that micro adjustments are argued for a lot when making the recommendation of using 0% monitor match distance which is interesting. I don't disagree with it but I was always under the impression that for flicks the point is to flick onto your target on the first go. That being said I was watching some of the aim secret videos by iostux an OW coach and he was mentioning he used to be mostly a flick aimer but started converting more to tracking because its more consistent than flicking. So maybe the lack of consistency when it comes to flicking does indeed cause micro adjustments to happen just due to over or under shooting the target. When I first got more into this mouse sensitivity stuff I started lowering my sensitivity to be more competitive and have worked to mostly switch to arm aiming versus wrist aiming to save my wrist and not develop carpel tunnel. It sounds like with 0% monitor match distance I will need to be using a combination of my wrist and arm. Which honestly may already be true since I am using 30cm/360 which may not be a low enough sens to strictly use arm aiming. I did notice @Drimzi saying that with 0% you will have to master all the aim styles ( such as micro, finger, wrist, and arm (from elbow and shoulder) movement). I am wondering if this is going to be tough given that I am not a fingertip grip user but am more of a palm grip/relaxed claw grip user which makes it difficult to adjust with the fingers.
  19. Thanks for the response and the links. I read that one you sent and have been reading through some comments on some other threads. To clarify then, which of the below is correct. This: or this: A few other questions: Should I have FOV Scaling ADS and Uniform Soldier Aim on when using converting using 0% monitor distance? In this link here: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/4524-completely-confused/ Drimzi said for 0% monitor distance match that it requires a higher sensitivity in general. Is my 30cm/360 fine? I am not sure what the cutoff point is where a sensitivity becomes too low to use this conversion method. I notice FOV is mentioned a lot. Should I generally be changing my FOV in games to try and get a fairly consistent horizontal FOV between all my games? I generally just go with the default FOV for games. BF1 and BF4 being the exceptions where I changed the FOV to 74 Vdeg or 90 Horizontal FOV.
  20. Hey all, recently got a lifetime membership after paying monthly for about a year as I really dig what this site does so thanks to those who keep it going! That being said I have continually doubted myself in terms of whether or not I am using the site and calculator correctly and finally figured I would make a post as reading posts and watching videos still has me doubting myself. I started getting more competitive with FPS games in the past several years and Overwatch happened to be one of the games I started on. Since then I have been determining the sens I should use for all other games by converting distance from OW. Below are my settings: Now ever since I started using the site I was just converting to viewspeed V1 and then to viewspeed V2. Here is an example of me converting my OW cm/360 to BF4: NOTE: I change my Vdeg FOV in BF games to 74 or 90 Hdeg FOV. I don't necessarily change FOV's in all the FPS games I play though. Given that I don't mind spending the time converting sensitivities as I really want that ideal conversion. Is the way I am using the tool actually right, sort of right, or is there a better way to get more accurate conversions? Apologies in advance if this question gets asked too often.
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