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npc frank

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  1. Yeah, you're right. Sorry to make you work again. I looked up how to find the FOV with the kovaaks guide on youtube (https://youtube.com/watch?v=WEtFBSlyyEM) and it measured 90 as well. It's interesting that 1.48 gives me close to the proper measurement when I measure far away, and feels more close to normal. I guess it has to do with it just being TPS that the cm360 conversion algorithm (cm360*currentfov/newfov) that I use doesn't work and feel the same the way it does on FPS games because of the way the camera pivots. In any case, thanks for your insight. I appreciate it.
  2. Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining. I re-tested and got more accurate results measuring at something far away. Here's some interesting things for marvel rivals: This third person issue in my video actually still happens in first person when you use scope on black widow. Bullets actually come from the gun so the character (upper torso?) rotation throws off the aim from crosshair due to 3rd person My mouse movement program doesn't work correctly on this game unless I set it to move really slow. When I set it to move to a certain degrees or cm/360, I have to set it to move very slowly. If people are reporting mouse acceleration or like "skating feeling", in my experience that's because the sensitivity is too fast. I felt the same way when converting my cm360 based on the FOV the calculator shows: 90 However, my sensitivity feels normal at 1.48 @ 800 DPI and 1.48 matches up a lot closer when using a far measurement like you suggested. I tested the calculators sensitivity to 360 conversion and that seems to be right so I think the issue is that the FOV is not 90. I think it's closer to something like 80. For reference I use 34.6364 @ 103 FOV as my base. Converting with (34.6354*103)/90 =39.639435 cm/360 , but 1.48 is 44.1313 according to the calculator and converting (34.6354*103)/81=44.0425
  3. Hey, DPI Wizard! I appreciate your quick response. I'm not sure if you mean it doesn't affect the rotation distance as in it won't change your base or it just doesn't affect it at all. But it does affect the rotation distance and not just change how it feels. Look at this video I did measuring mouse rotation required to the edge of the pillar on the right-hand side of my screen: https://streamable.com/qiipd0 The first test, far from the wall, is 1666 The second test, close to the wall, is 1970 As far as I've tested, this does not happen in any first person shooters I've played.
  4. Something I've noticed is that happens in a lot of third person shooters (most recently Marvel Rivals) is that certain things affects my sensitivity/camera rotation. One of the things I've noticed that's the most blatant (especially in Marvel Rivals) is that when your character is close to walls or right against the wall then it really cuts your rotation. I'm not sure if it's slowing the sensitivity or just poses issues for the camera to rotate, but either way, the effect is the same as far as it making your aim off. There seems to be different things in different TPS games that do things like this, and I was wonder if anyone has any insight into this and/or how to combat it (with game or config settings). I'm especially looking for advice in Marvel Rivals since it's my new main game, and I can't find any consistency on why it seems to vary the sensitivity/camera rotation other than being close to walls, but it still seems to randomly happen even when you're away from walls.
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