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sayu265 last won the day on March 2 2015

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  1. Can we have a resolution option in the desktop mode? I like to play games windowed but I'm worried it'll mess me up a bit.
  2. I coughed up to try desktop mode, and it is well worth it, I am very happy. You did a great job Although it'd be nice if uou had a post explaining the difference between desktop and cm/360 modes for noobs,
  3. Agh, sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying about modes :/ Thanks for informing me, can you make desktop the default BTW, since that is the appropriate one for 90%+ of the population?
  4. so if I'm understanding right you try to filter based on FOV to replicate the same %screen change/cm? but if that's right why does my sens stay the same when I change my reflex senitivity and change with my CS GO sens, when is should be the other way around, since reflex used FOV-independent sens?
  5. but fixed 360 is only good for 2 things - rocket jump and 180 turns. fixed 2d is what you want for the same 'mousefeel' - which is needed for accurate flickshots your name is mouse sensitivity, same aim different game, but if the games FOVs are different, you can get very different aim. also, FOV differences make mouse sensitivities more game appropriate, ie I have a lower cm/360 for quake at 130fov than CS at 90fov with the same mouse feel - this is appropriate for the faster style of play for quake.
  6. Your calculations are all wrong because you aimed to get the same cm/360 heres explaination: So if I have 180fov, and my CM/360 is 20cm, then I move 5cm to go center to edge if I have 90fov with 20cm, then I move 2.5 cm center to edge my muscle memory knows to move 2.5 cm if theres a guy 25% of my screen to the left of the cursor, but in 90fov that will take me to the edge you get me? quake live calculates this for zoom senslike so: k = arctan[ 0.75 * tan[cg_zoomfov/2] ] / arctan[ 0.75 * tan[cg_fov/2] ] sens*k=zoomsens
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