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Everything posted by KimiNoKataware

  1. Damn I was hoping for source style. Thanks for the reply
  2. I noticed that this website doesn't provide the ADS sensitivity settings for MW2, which presumably means the game doesn't have any. Does anybody know what the default ADS/Hipfire ratio is for MW2?
  3. Is the ADS sensitivity CS:GO-like across all zoom levels (Will it require the same amount of mouse movement to move my screen to an imaginary ring whose radius reaches 75% of the way from the center of the screen to either horizontal edge)? Or is it like Payday 2, where setting the sensitivity only matches CS:GO for one particular zoom level (EX: behaves like CS:GO only for iron sights, but is slightly off for scopes)?
  4. Is it possible to bind multiple commands to the same button? If so, do we do this with one "Bindings=(..." statement, or multiple "Bindings=(..." statements on the same name button?
  5. Viewspeed/Monitor Distance should be used any time FOVs aren't matching 100%, which is the only time sensitivity can be matched exactly between games. ADS zooms the screen in, so the sensitivity can't truly be matched. Viewspeed and Monitor Distance are ways to approximate the feel of a certain sensitivity when FOVs don't match. Reason sensitivity can't be matched 100% with differing FOV is because the edges of the screen move faster than the center, with that speed discrepancy growing larger as FOV grows. Most games approximate ADS sensitivity using Monitor Distance, matching at 75%
  6. FOV in Destiny 2 maxes out at 105 in game, 100.8 in actuality, if I recall correctly. Hence the usage of viewspeed and monitor distance over cm/360. Which I think is what's going on here, if someone else can confirm...
  7. Wow ok I'm stupid. Thanks a bunch for the quick reply.
  8. What is the "match at" option mean for ADS? I get that match at 100% means gives me the degrees of rotation and distance on the mouse pad to go from the center of the screen to the edge, but the other percentage values don't make sense to me. If I'm posting in the wrong section, I apologize. But if someone would like to help me anyways, I appreciate it. The goal is to match hipfire sens to ADS sens, such that the distance I move my mouse to move to the 4:3 ring is always the same. In other words, if my monitor resolution were 4:3, then moving from the center of the screen to the edge will be the same in both hipfire and ADS (cs:go scaling, if I'm correct). The problem is that the "Match at 75%" option isn't returning a degree value that makes sense. That is, if interpret the option correctly, I should get back the degree rotation required to turn to the imaginary 4:3 side edges of my monitor. Here's a bunch of garbage math I did that may or may not be useful to people wanting to help me. I'm at 105 degrees fov config, = 100.8 HFOV actual, =50.4 for 100% rotation. I have a 16:9 resolution monitor. I have sensitivity at 5, getting me a 27.7091 cm/ 360 hipfire, the feel of which is what I want my hipfire sensitivity to correspond to. The degrees to move to the 4:3 edge is 35.30191712: x = 8 / sin(50.4) the 8 is from half of 16 in 16:9 resolution degrees to 4:3 edge = arcsin(6/x) = 35.30191712 the 6 is from half of 12 in 12:9, where 12:9 = 4:3 resolution "Match at 75%" should thus give me back the 35.30191712 number, as the degrees required to rotate 75% of the way from the center of the screen to the edge (which would be where the imaginary edge of a 4:3 monitor is). Instead, match at 75% is giving me back 42.19 degrees. A screenshot is included. Note that 75% of 50.4 degrees is 37.8 degrees, so that doesn't make sense either.
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